Newfags coming to Any Forums as soon as they add emojiis. The absolute state. I refuse to use them

Newfags coming to Any Forums as soon as they add emojiis. The absolute state. I refuse to use them.

Attached: NO ZOOMIES.png (882x1276, 1.57M)

br br no cap lad

I hate that haircut so fucking much and literally every zoomer has it.


wow so exciting man everyone's gonna run here because of this :WeirdChamp:

fr fr
lowkey kinda cringepilled that its only one per post
check my ig

I just realized I don't even interact with zoomers in real life

mfw too dump to remove X and use emotes.

WTF? lol my computer is fucked it auto corrected onions to "onions" lmao

Still, go back.


what kind of multi layered bait is this

What? is it part of the april fools day? onions onions onions onions onions?

Wow, they add emojis on april fool. It like they care!

Some emotes are kinda cool

You're hella mad bro :peepoclown:

u a whole lame lmfaoo ong this nigga get no play

user if you're not baiting, you're so stupid it breaks my heart

I am not a god damned zoomer

Frrrrr bruh the zoomers on some goofy aaaaa shi booahhyyy 💀
Aight keep it on the real g

Emojis dont look good on Any Forums

>bitter oldfag being bitter about newfags using emojis so much to the point where he REFUSES to use them.

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