Im so ugly robots holy shit im a piece of shit i deserve to die why is my face so fat even though i starve myself why...

im so ugly robots holy shit im a piece of shit i deserve to die why is my face so fat even though i starve myself why am i autistic why does nobody like me i know its because im annoying please tell me to kill myself i need the insults im so fucking tired i just want to die jannies dont fuck this thread over im not actually gonna kms i just need insults i need to feel worse so i stop having confidence and so i stop talking to people they dont need to talk to someone as horrible as me i should delete discord and social media and get off here and just rot in bed oh my god why do i make these shitty life choices holy fuck
yeah i get it its a crisis of being a young girl its immature but i likely wont live much longer bc of how ill i am plus im retarded and have zero irl friends that dont see me as a pet im a khhv i average 30 steps a day i plan my daily walk to wash my face and take my meds otherwise im in bed all day oh my god please im worthless

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>im so ugly robots holy shit im a piece of shit i deserve to die why is my face so fat even though i starve myself why am i autistic why does nobody like me i know its because im annoying please tell me to kill myself i need the insults im so fucking tired i just want to die jannies dont fuck this thread over im not actually gonna kms i just need insults i need to feel worse so i stop having confidence and so i stop talking to people they dont need to talk to someone as horrible as me i should delete discord and social media and get off here and just rot in bed oh my god why do i make these shitty life choices holy fuck
yeah i get it its a crisis of being a young girl its immature but i likely wont live much longer bc of how ill i am plus im retarded and have zero irl friends that dont see me as a pet im a khhv i average 30 steps a day i plan my daily walk to wash my face and take my meds otherwise im in bed all day oh my god please im worthless
you're trans aren't you?

Nobody cares. Tits or GTFO.

no im female i can do vocaroo i dont care whatever the fuck u want just insult me
they dont even look good im a b cup why would you want to see me im disgusting

Dear Wren,

I'm not reading all of that shit you wrote. You are not pretty so why would I listen to what you say?



Why would I insult someone who is having a tough time of it? Do you take me for some sort of normalfag?

a better option would be posting your vagina as vocaroos can be faked

>they dont even look good im a b cup why would you want to see me im disgusting
You clearly have mental issues and body issues. I very much doubt you're capable of judging that properly. Either way I want to see your tits, take that as you will.

i guess that is right
im sorry. is there anything i can do?
most people here insult me so i go here when i feel horrible about myself. if i use my trip i get insulted more. im ugly and have no redeemable qualities i cant even tie my shoes and im autistic. no energy for even vidya anymore. so yeah
i wont do that because i hate every part of myself. if you really want you can call me or something idk

ive shown a few people my face and they call me fat every time. fat cheeks. look like im 12. my boobs r just flat. i look awkward and slightly autistic and weird. i hate it. weird stance when i walk and i carry myself awkwardly

>is there anything i can do?
Be my friend. Nevermind, don't be. You probably boring anyway. Don't reply to me but be my friend.

>i wont do that because i hate every part of myself
well then don't you hate your intellect and personality? in which case why are your writings available?

Post video of you attempting to tie your shoes please.

Now I'm curious to see your face. Without fail most women with self-esteem issues like yours are far more attractive than they realize.

Who are you trying to impress anyways? I don't think I've ever heard a guy comment on a girls stance or how awkwardly she walks. Nobody gives a fuck, you shouldn't either.

Unsure why I ended up responding to that when I just want to see your tits.

You deserve love and kindness but only if you stop attentionwhoring.

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I love fat bpd girls

ok but do I do to deserve THAT??

Everybody deserves to get smothered by a pair of giant tiddies.

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i would like to talk to you. i probably will be boring, i am currently spending most of my time reading and sleeping
i dont have an intellect or personality. im dumb and useless
i would but id probably have a breakdown and start crying and get stuck on the floor for an hour because i dont have the energy to stand up and get back on my bed
i dont want to impress anyone i just know im notably different and you can see how differently you are treated compared to normies. my tits look bad im sorry

in that case I'm already on track

I don't mind coming back to the thread in an hour or so, if that's what it takes.

>i dont want to impress anyone i just know im notably different and you can see how differently you are treated compared to normies. my tits look bad im sorry
You know it, but I doubt anyone else notices. Normies have their heads way too far to their own asses to notice how some autistic chick composes herself.

I don't care if your tits look bad. I want to see them. Period. End of story. Don't try to convince me that I don't or I'm better off not seeing them. If you don't want to show tits just say "No user, I don't want to show you my tits" and I'll respect it. Excuses don't cut it.

Get over it, move on and improve. This fishing for attention regardless if you only wanting insults is pathetic. So what? you're not that great looking and a little autistic? Boo hoo, plenty of guys would still simp for you given the chance. You don't have a hard life you haven't been through hell just insecure and being a bit of a recluse. Fuck up cunt. There, that's your insult

Wren is so cute

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i dont think im that much of a whore. like, letting a stranger see my boobs? but thank you for that. maybe i am too hard on myself. you have genuinely made me feel better

Good luck user, may the warm and supple flesh of giant tits embrace you.

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i guess you are right. are you aussie
thats old and my hair is way longer and black now
i tried to escape the baby face instead of embracing it. i cant believe that image is still around lol. its kind of flattering that you have it saved. if you want more recent pictures you can see them i guess cause its kind of scary thinking that maybe people still see me like that when i have tried millions of new things to look more presentable