Attention whore

this is a thread you can attention whore in
like the letter thread except less pretentious
have fun
:) :) :) : )

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No one ever writes me letters. I just want some orbiters man I'm so bored

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Did you know there are actually more young men than women? On average 1.07 males are born to every 1 female. Things even up when people get older as men die more often and earlier than women, but in ages 15 - 34 there are an excess of about 1.02 men to 1 woman. Cool stuff.

Femanon here. Ask me anythiing.

cream team? or squirt?

will that be in paper, or plastic?

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usually im not emotive but i was laughing at a podcast and my supervisor walked past me and started blushing / smiling
she's really cute should i try talking to her or something?

You should undress her when you're alone

i work in a big warehouse the only time im alone is if i go to the bathroom, and even then there's probably 1 or 2 people in there

Not them but you just take them into a bathroom stall, user. People are aware of what that means and either don't care and continue with their own business or they leave to give you privacy.
Music festival rules, basically.

Attention all women
I need a funny and cute gf

wow very nice statistic friend

I have a KnowYourMeme page. Try and guess who I am. I'll answer questions but not tell you outright unless you guess correctly. If you're correct, I'll tell you so. Want to play?

>less pretentious
way to suck the suck

Attached: i don't belong even here. oh woe---ever the outsider. too narc for the empaths and too empath for the narcs!.jpg (1920x1080, 491.34K)

what year was it from and how big did it get

I just want to be cute. And female.
Yes, please tell me to kill myself and all that.

I'm still a man and always will be, don't worry. I'm not delusional. It's just a fantasy I will never experience.

2006. It got big enough to have IRL consequences not just for myself, but for others as well.

wow. you must be old

Yes, zoomer. I'm almost 30 now.

bad or good consequences? what happened after it?

try to have an original problem. every man wants to be a woman