Emoticon thread, share the emojis that you have!

Emoticon thread, share the emojis that you have!

Attached: Ec5A5pBVcAAiMIk.jpg (800x450, 49.28K)

I have an anime girl

Didn't this site already do the gay emoji shit for April Fools last year?

feels like cheating to me anons
I wish my bestest friend ever that abandoned me for the final time probably was here to see this, i feel like he'd cynically post all kinds of emotes and I'd be unable to tell if he loved or hated it ironically or unironically, just like I can't tell if he left to move on with his life or if he just got tired of dealing with me and was willing to sacrifice alot to finally be rid of my annoyances

Attached: 1559960707232.png (900x900, 489.18K)

None on mobile? what the FUCK hiro

Wow that's very sad here's a sad face 😢

this event is fucking dogshit, also doesnt work with 4chanx turned on


Here a re some tears because the saddest part is I already had the cry emote :drip:

You're in for an unpleasant surprise if you've been expecting the moderation team to care about anything other than trannies and vtubers.

How do you do emojis?

I got this Pepe guys, I feel the rage flowing through him.

I'm dumping all my 'mojis

How do you post it?

You can only post 1 emoji at a time


why can't I seem my own emojis?
why can I only see some of the emojis and not others?



Epic April fools hiro

I think we all might have gotten a randomized bank of emoji's so some will never appear for others, that or the mods fucked it up (which is more likely)

hello there, originally


we all need longcat :longcata: share your longcat pieces here pls


fuck im out of uses

testing my original emoji