

why did you ghost me, i thought we were buddies.

t. Chris

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Keep micahs name out yo fucking mouth

no, we were frends and he ghosted me

I don't want to air out your dirty laundry on here but I will say that your "fetish" was too creepy for me.

I just wanted to play vidya and talk random non-weird things, I'm sorry. :

can we start over

i sshoudlv known u were a rat..
only a rat ghosts friends...

Lol remember when we bullied you on /mhg/?
Never come back, faggot.

I shot him in RDR2, sorry. Ya boy dead.

There's better people than me out there, I can assure you.
Fuck you.

i'm sorry that i made you feel uncomfortable, i just wish you told me first so i could've apologized and stopped. i really enjoyed talking to you and getting to know you a little, couldn't we try again? you were very interesting to me.

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Op.. get a grip

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i like getting to know people, user. i'm a sensitive and sentimental soul at heart, just slightly a coomer.

Tell us about yourself, how did you end up on r9k

What the fuck has this board come to??

What's your fetish that ended up scaring away this dude

well, user. i'm a lonely, friendless weirdo that spends too much time online.

asked for feet pics and told him i wanted him to step on me

It wouldn't have worked either way unfortunately, I'm just averse to any communication with anyone and I don't want to continue lying to you pretending that I enjoy chatting.

I hold no animosity towards you regardless.

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it was still incredibly hurtful and rude to suddenly ghost me, i apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. but you owe me an apology for ghosting me.

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How old are you?

That sucks. Thought it would be something actually disturbing but I guess there's a lot of normal people here lately. Hope you get a new friend soon.

i'm 23 but i look and sound like a 16 year old.

Okay, what things do you like thats not coomer stuff?

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I apologize for ghosting so suddenly :

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well, i like to write a lot - i do it under a false name though cuz i don't want anyone to know who i am.
i play lots of vidya, mainly older titles (bioshock at the moment) and i also do a lot of volunteer work for wildlife sanctuaries, botanical gardens and waterways

i'm looking into buying a nice camera because i want to start getting into amateur photography too - prob just nature stuff.

it's okay, i forgive you. if you ever want to try being friends again, you know how to find me.

Well those sound pretty decent. You like any anime or shows/movies?

yeah! i watched tons of anime when I was a bit younger, currently i'm just watching the last season of attack on titan - been in the mood to rewatch black lagoon.

not much of a new movie person, but i recently finished the planet of the apes franchise (old ones) - was pretty good. i want to watch american psycho and minority report.

Hm, you okay with postin your disc?

tell me about yourself some, silly!