Do girls need more social contact to stay healthy than guys?

I have two female flatmates and I noticed that they are constantly out of the house doing stuff with their boyfriends, friends, college colleagues etc. When they are at home alone, they have to put on music or a netflix show to overshadow the silence.
It's like these girls would go insane if they lived the same reclusive, out-of-the-house once in a while lifestyle as me.
Do girls really need this constant social connection?

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Mostly yes now back too rk9


this is a hard one desu
but when i have friends and a consistent group of people to talk to i turn from an incel into an actual normie human with social skills
sadly that doesnt happen often because friends are hard
desu i wish i could be left alone and be completely reclusive so i could figure myself out without the influence of others, but sadly that's not possible
so idk how natty healthy people function but i can surely say being social is a pretty big fucking deal

Women are just object for breeding.
Don't see them as more than that.

Yes they do, and that's a well known scientific fact.

Why do they have a hard time being alone by themselves in silence though? Or are my female flatmates just extremes?

Because evolutionarily speaking being alone was a death sentence for women

Makes no sense. They cannot be alone for a full day or even half a day? Meme gender.

being alone means you're not good enough for people to want your company. which is a bit depressing in case you haven't looked at the state of Any Forums lately
sure, you CAN go your own way, be disagreeable in order to do your own shit even though someone else might get annoyed at you for whatever reason, but people avoid you if you piss them off
idk man, its confusing
remember if you're a girl like out in the wild (urban or rural or otherwise) and you're COMPLETELY alone you're pretty defenseless, if you wanna go with that explanation
remember women have like 1/3 of the upper body strength that men do

You never listen to music?
Imageboards are social contact b t w

women dont know loneliness, even the ugly ones

nice cope but how does that make you feel better

do you really need to be validated via this question? Everybody finds social connection in whatever way possible. If you don’t your unironically mentally ill it’s not normal nor healthy

>being alone means you're not good enough for people to want your company
Yeah, that's basically my case. I am in University but have zero friends, girlfriends or even colleagues for 4 years now. I basically spend 95% of my time inside.
I wonder though what impact this had so far because my body is healthy. Sometimes I feel suicidal but that's normal idk. Girls are still a meme for requiring so much social contact.

>If you don’t your unironically mentally ill it’s not normal nor healthy
I often go months without any social contact other than a hi to the cashier but my body is in top shape. I feel depressed and cynical here and there but other than that I am normal.

we're a meme for a fuck of a lot more than that
god i just want to explore my brain and feelings without fucking normie pressures but here we are
anyway the solution if you're bad at something, google how to make it better


Women derive their value from how men perceive them. Just go look at LinkedIn these days. Flooded with posts by women who post a massive headshot and some useless diatribe.

Women have always depended on the community to take care of them. Like the other user said, being alone = death. That's why women are usually socialists.Your primitive brain doesn't know why you are alone, it just knows that you are, and that is very bad for a woman

Yeah but hasn't the community ever left them alone for like 1-3 days? Maybe it's just unfathomable for me because I often go months with no social contact but what my flatmates crave seems extreme.

Stupid thread. JANNIES

Pretty typical female behavior. Women are essentially human-shaped dogs, they need a leader and companionship or they'll go insane. A quiet girl without a lot of friends is usually a red flag for me.

You just have to look for the outliers

We are talking right now, this is social contact. The lack of anxiety and inhibitions is how normal people feel having conversations irl

who is this?

>A quiet girl without a lot of friends is usually a red flag for me.
Can you explain further?

Some of them do. Typically party girls (or former party girls).
My GF was a huge partier and raver in college, so she needs constant stimulation, it seems.

Even at work, she has a little stereo that plays music softly in the background. When she's home, she either needs to have her favorite show on in the background or obnoxiously loud music playing. The worst is when she get's drunk, she HAS to blast music videos on the TV and drink and dance in the living room until she tires herself out.

At first I thought it was cute, but it's starting to get annoying. I fucking hate loud music. Every time we're on our way home from the bar tipsy and I'm ready to go to bed, I know I'm in for at least 3 hours of fucking Dua Lipa and Dubstep on the couch while she drinks a few more whiteclaws until 3AM.

It's fucking brutal. Like she doesn't want to be alone in her head at all.
I'm guessing women aren't very contemplative. Probably why there aren't any wise female philosophers.

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>you know what I mean like- dude I want to JERK OFFFFFFFFF FUCK

Yes, they lack any form of rationality whatsoever. As gave us a brilliant snapshot into the female "psyche", they are obsessed with their own emotions and what they "feel" takes precedence over anything else in life. Due to their high neuroticism, this often ends up manifesting itself in bizarre and unexplainable behaviour.
Women are truly incapable of handling the brutality of the world by themselves and need men to act as physical and emotional buffers. This is why they're suffering so much from modernity where they try to act like men.

I want to cum inside her so bad man

Yes. You do too but you cope by pretending you don't so you don't have to leave your comfort zone. Ask your roomates if you can join them somewhere sometime. Make it clear that you're lonely and just want to get out of the house but don't have anyone to go out with so they don't think you're just trying to fuck them, because that will 100% be their first thought, in fact they're already thinking it.

You are the dysfunctional one here brother. Stop coping with this pseudointellectual narcissism and fix your life.

you write like a subhuman. kill yourself for sure.

>they're suffering so much
What? Women live life on baby tutorial mode difficulty. Where exactly do they suffer?

jese christ cringe. stop posting and kill yourself.

>girls cannot be alone for more than a day
>I am cringe
Sure thing buddy.

This is a relative term for women.
I can say that the woman I live with has daily face to face contact with her mother and me and is 100% fucking nuts. She sees "friends" (more like acquaintances that haven't challenged her in any way) about once every month or two.

I once lived in a house full of friends and worked in a place with another and it was basically like having a massive family all within walking distance and I was never happier. Going from that to chilling for 3 hours a week with a few buds has been rough, but not entirely debilitating. I have noticed that getting no private time has virtually destroyed my mental state as I need it to process my own thoughts and make good decisions.

There are but they're extremely rare and no modern woman really needs to be "alone" when they can pretty much exist without leaving a couch or putting down a phone.

Literally just describing ADHD. Get that bitch on some Adderall. My fiance was like this too, and when it started negatively affecting her work life, we got her tested and sure enough it's fucking ADHD. She's on the boneless meth now and she no longer needs to be over stimulated 24/7

>Even at work, she has a little stereo that plays music softly in the background. When she's home, she either needs to have her favorite show on in the background or obnoxiously loud music playing.
Jesus Christ why are you even dating this cancer.

She used to be on Adderall in college. It ruined her life. Her dosage got higher and higher and she stopped eating and spent her life being strung out all the time.
She's 6'0" tall and she was under 130lbs. Extremely unhealthy, she got all her calories from alcohol and a small meal once a week, basically.

She eventually decided she needed to detox after she got home from college because she was so skinny she was gonna die basically.
She quit cold turkey and slept for 3 days straight. Her mom thought she was dead.
She's since gained a bunch of weight back (and then some), but she's healthier now that she's a little chubby as opposed to being a drug-addicted skelly.

So yeah, fuck Adderall, she needs to stay away from that shit...

some Twitter thot, I was able to find her in another thread with Yandex
Can’t be assed to do it again

Yeah for a man's standards they do. Tell what woman do you know who is perfectly happy, not mentally ill or depressed or traumatised or anxious in some way? Remember user they have a fraction of the physical and mental strength us men do. They cannot handle constant suffering and pain like us, at least not in the way we do.

And yet I wonder why men struggle and suffer so much just to get nothing out of the system they try to uphold. I work my ass off with self-improvement and to have a decent life for myself and my family but I never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl because my genetics are not good enough.
I hope that everything collapses and women are killed by the wilderness.

This is actually an interesting subject I'll need to check the research. What I know off the top of my head: women have higher agreeableness (empathy) on average than men, women are procedural vs visuospatial, and women have all the usual sex differences behaviorally (receptive, gatekeeper for self, evaluates partners holistically, etc). My guess is that women are more social for cultural and biological reasons. The cultural reasons are obvious--they've been domesticated and commoditized for much of history so it's not like they've had anything else to do, plus social power is the only power most women have ever known. The hunter-gatherwr evolutionary environment seems to present women mostly in a camp-person role. They gathered food and they hung out with other humans (women, children, family) at camp most of the day. Procedural thinking is helpful for gathering, and empathy/mirror neurons flexing is useful for social environments. This is theoretical and projected from what little hunter gatherer stuff we have now. Its a good guess desu.

The neurological differences are unknown to me but probably significant so I'll take a look later and then never report back most likely.

>evaluates partners holistically
That's why they put up with an abusive partner just because he is good looking and has a big dick?

cause she fucks like a fighter jet

You're literally, and I don't use this word lightly, Cain from the Bible story.
Don't be angry at the world because your sacrifices aren't rewarded.

what do i need to do to get a gf like this?

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>evaluates partners holistically
Women want 10 things from a man. What these 10 things are, is not important. What matters is, they will have a man with 7 of those things, and then they will cheat and/or leave said man for another man who has nothing except for the 3 things the first man doesn't have.

Talk about picking a partner holistically

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They could also just be extroverts, but generally yes more so than men do. But exceptions occur

>women in nature
either spend their time with other women picking berries where they need to be loud anyway to scare off wild animals and bears or spend their time in their communal hut weaving and cooking and tanning hides with other women
>men in nature
silent, hunting and tracking and ambushing other creatures and other tribes. may be solitary for some time, waiting for an ambush or to push their prey somewhere else, etc

Has arrived

If there is one thing the vast majority of women adore more than shopping, is socializing. Even if they don’t look for it, it comes to them as a magnet. Of course, as you well know, most of the time there’s a sexual intention behind it, specifically from men. Nothing new.

Only if I assume any of you are real and not just an ai or some shit

>Don't be angry at the world because your sacrifices aren't rewarded
Yet you make sacrifices because you want your future to be better, your life to be better. Without a reward your work is meaningless.
You water a plant because you need it to grow because otherwise you will die of hunger.



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Honest to god. Get your life together. Run, lift, practice a sport. Eat well, take care of your body. Develop your skill in something that you’re passionate about. Become good at it. Good enough to make living out of it. Do you want to be desirable? You want to be a good catch? That’s how you do it. Nourish your body and become proficient at something useful.

Finally, I might add as a bonus: Read. Read a whole damn lot. Become knowledgeable. Just so when you open your mouth you prove time and time again, that you’re not just your looks but much more. You can do this.

man shes built to be bred

afaik this isn't a women thing, it's a zoomer thing. My male flatmates are exactly like this as well. Zoomers have been conditioned to need constant stimulation, mental silence is unbearable to them. It's a result of having constant access to smartphones, tv, computers etc. everything is available to them on demand. Having been raised on the very same technology my mental condition used to be the same, I was affected worse than others since I didn't have friends. Ending up in that kind of mental condition really ruined a lot of my teenage years.

>Sometimes I feel suicidal but that's normal idk.
what the fuck, read what you just wrote again you colossal retard


Nah, it’s always been like that. We can agree on technology making it easier to bear more time alone specially for men, yes. But women have always been like this. If anything social platforms made them cultivate more attention infinitely more easier than it was 30 years ago, for example. Again, nothing new.

I do all of these+I'm gifted, rich and handsome but i'm virgin at 25.

I have zero desires interacting with people above the absolute necessities, The concept of friends/girlfriends makes sense to me only in periods. My body was alien to me since forever and people underwhelm me because every dynamic in real life is practically forced by meaningless social rules that i don't believe in or some form of flirting which mean it requires manifestations of sex appeal, Which i've hard time delivering or cringe at the conceptualization.

how are you rich at 25 already ? gifted in what way ? autistic people tend to overvalue their looks btw
is this a troll post ?

this 100%
men are women now
"I'm handsome" is the best autistic cope
I know because I gained some self awareness years ago

cringe larp. kill yourself. you have to be autistic as fuck to just think that this would be something cool to post.

>I have zero desires interacting with people above the absolute necessities
Right here. That’s your problem. If you don’t open up to people how in the world will they get to meet you? To know about you? Specially girls/women.

You think they’re not aware of it the second they leave their bedrooms? They’re very well aware of the looks, compliments and infatuations men have over them. Specially a girl like OP posted would probably get fucked by her father/brother if she offered herself to them given the chance.

Here’s my point: Sorry to tell you. But women will always have a man behind them who’ll try to get in their pants in any way possible. Now you don’t have to mandatorily COMPETE with others to catch her attention. But if you don’t let them get to even know you, it’s your problem, not theirs. They’re not aliens either. Which is something teenagers and manchilds treat them like 24/7.

When your only value is social value, you quickly discover that you're worthless when left to your own devices. For an egocentric creature that is crushing and unforgivable.

This exactly. Took the words from me.

Damn you. This is the same OP pic as the fetish thread, and I clicked thinking I was going to get an update on that thread.