Tfw the pre tranny world was only 7 years ago

>Tfw the pre tranny world was only 7 years ago
God I miss it

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Seven years ago was only 2015. There were plenty. Are you underage? Maybe you were just sheltered by your conservative parents.

No chances are I'm older than you. They were just a comically rare thing before 2015. Usually laughed at in comedy routines or movies. Not mainstreamed and everywhere like now

>the pre-nitwits getting their panties in a bunch over 0.04% of the population world

Literally no one gave a fuck about trans people until Bruce Jenner chopped his dick off and went on television.
Most sane people still don't care, but the internet decided that trans are the line in the sand that you're on one side or the other.

Now everyone pretends they hate/love trans people for nonexistent forum "cred". It's a waste of time.

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So true. I miss the days before

Remember when the biggest concern was furries. Then Bronies?

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>Usually laughed at in comedy routines or movies. Not mainstreamed and everywhere like now
Damn, you guys are stuck in the "conservative parent" bubble. From my perspective, trannies have always been prevalent but under the surface, planning to break into the mainstream. At least since the 90s

i'm 29 retard nigger

And you have conservative parents, right?
Listen junior, lurk for a few more years before you speak up.

Did you have men competing in women's sports in the 90s? Kids going on puberty blockers and hormones? Laws being passed about it?

>Did you have men competing in women's sports in the 90s?
It's definitely something that people were thinking about.

And yes, I'm sure that if I cared enough to dig up tranny legislation from the 90s, I could find some. IANAL though and I don't care enough.

I was 13 in 2015. I have since be radicalized ever since gamergate. I hate niggers, kikes, and faggots

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Nobody said it didn't exist it all in 90s. But it had exponential growth since then.

>Tranny propaganda since the 90s
It's been a thing in some form for over a century by my estimates, Jews do be like that.

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>>Remember when the biggest concern was furries. Then Bronies?
Everybody was on the boat when it came to hating on them. But if you say anything negative about a these brave queens you'll be crucified

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But the point of gamergate was that the media sucks. You can hate whoever you want we can't stop you, but at least understand the movement you are mentioning a bit better.

>for over a century
You didn't disprove anything i said, at least you got to show off your cherry picked propaganda piece though.

Are you literally me?
Captcha NVANX

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we must unironically return to monke

Troons have always existed unfortunately. But the Bruce Jenner nonsense kicked that shit into high gear

Not even the tip of the iceerg

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>You didn't disprove anything i said
I was agreeing with you? You don't have to tell me who hurt you, but you do have to eat these

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