Yes i'm an incel, but it's not because I think all men are doomed and all women are evil...

Yes i'm an incel, but it's not because I think all men are doomed and all women are evil. I want to believe that in general the world is in order and that it's just us select few who were dealt a bad hand with our personalities that end up in this situation. I acknowledge my loneliness starts with me, and that's the most depressing part of it.

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That has some truth in it and probably is a pretty good cope. But I'd disagree.

The world is pretty much as incels describe it, just less extreme. Personality does play a role, but lookism plays a proportionally bigger one. And about personality, what you would consider a "good personality" and the type of personality that succeeds in dating is very differnt.

>t. Chad who can read statistics

>it's just us select few who were dealt a bad hand with our personalities that end up in this situation.
No one deals you a "bad hand" when it comes to personality since it simply comes down to choices you make. I don't identify as incel because people will have sex with me but I'm too scared to pursue it, making me involuntarily voluntarily celibate.
>what you would consider a "good personality" and the type of personality that succeeds in dating is very differnt.
Probably true. I'm kind of disappointed that lookism isn't as big as incels make it out to be since then I'd do better. I've seen much uglier guys get pussy just for personal reasons.

Lookism is important today, because of people's low attention span and because it's the one thing you can't change or improve. Someone ugly with a good personality and loads of success has like 10 seconds to convince a girl that hes worth a look. I can walk up to a girl, she will give me a chance for my looks anyway and then I just have to try to keep my autism in check.

Also, because personality is something everyone can learn and many people do have, if you really want to slay (and not just get a gf), the good looking person with a desireable personality will always stick out as better.

Thirdly, "good personality" just means being confident, interesting and successful, maybe funny. Whether you are friendly or empathetic or whatever is entirely besides the point.

It's over

The only personality that matters is dark triad

Like always, you got it the other way around. Dark triad itself isn't attractive, dark triad people just tend to be . And since thats what many women look for in a man, it really doesn't matter if hes a cold psychopath.

If you are a fellow zoomie, thats basically the fault of our parents and teachers. Muh
>be nice
>be friendly
>be fair
>don't strive for power or money
when in reality all of that is to be entirely disregarded.

I get female attention, but I am far too autistic to reciprocate. When a girl talks to me, I just go blank and give robotic, monotonous responses. Its not that I am disinterested, I just cannot for the life of me force it out without sounding incredibly silly and overwhelming.

Bruh my supervisor in my IT job is a manlet looking autist with an amish-esque beard and a giant mole on his fucking retard face and he's married with children. The whole incel rhetoric is bullshit. Many uggos have kids and marriages. It's more a personality + luck issue.

First of all, statistic eventuality. If you look long enough you will also find heterochromatic siamese twins with down syndrome, lichen sclerosus and lupus. Does this mean anything?

Point is, a statistically relevant part of men are incels. And the fact that there are exceptions does not change that.

Secondly, it's a pretty young problem, so a married boomer might be the worst anecdotal example you could find.

>Be dark triad
>Be fat and ugly
>Now simply twice as repulsive as normal people

I want a gf but I've realized 99% of it is going to be from the self. Like I'm not even comfortable enough to not flake on a girl who's literally in the room with me, let alone actually fucking and being in a relationship.
I'm trying though, picked up BJJ and I go 6 hours a week. Worked wonders on my confidence since you learn to be comfortable literally wrestling on the ground with strangers, personal space be damned.
And people mainly use it as a kind of social club here so obviously they try to talk to me a lot. I'm well liked. Gonna try to carry on conversations more so I can get rid of anxiety, I actually met another young guy here who I can tell is lowkey trying to do the same thing.

I was born in 97, idk if that's still zoomer territory but yeah those were pretty much the (useless) values I was taught. To be a good boi, to not rock the boat, to always be respectful of others and never use violence. That led to me being a pushover who would not stand for himself even if his life depended on it. Add that to my fear of standing out and you got a boring uninteresting wimp with no interests, hobbies, or goals in life

Even if I were Chad (physically) I'd get zero pussy

Yeah, but I'm gonna say what's always left unsaid here and other places incels congreate - his wife is a fat ugly pig.

Probably a cunt too.

Many incels won't admit it, but they don't want to settle for a 2/10 hog whore.

To be brutally honest I don't think you need any of those things to get pussy, especially at the High School level. If you were physically Chad you'd get a lot less than you could, but girls would take sympathy on you.
I had nothing going for me, was even a SPED kid and I still had attractive mutual crushes because of looks/voice.

I mean thats true. Even looks only open the door for you and improve your capacity for error. But personality is needed at some point. Good luck with BJJ, did yudo at some point but dropped it for surfing and tennis.

Yeah, probably applies for a lot of millenials too, was just talking about zoomers because I'm not even 20 kek.

Basically what a lot of the people I met were. Thankfully my mom and dad weren't fully retarded and taught me how the world actually works. Also had good friends in highschool. But what you said is literally how you end up when you listen to what society tells you. In school, literally every month we had some emergency counseling because sme retard (teacher or student) felt offended or bullied and then we all basically had to pretend to be gigacucks not to get into trouble.

In highschool looks matter most becausw you literally can't have the other things. Confidence and experience still go a long way, but had kinda the same experience, girls were interested in me even in the giga autist days.

Personality will be defined by looks. Women will literally claim an abusive sack of human garbage has a good personality if he's really good looking. Likewise having the greatest personality in the world will get you labelled a creep if you're *actually* ugly. Personality is most important for the average guy cause he's trying to differentiate himself from the rest of us average guysm, who make up the bulk.

I feel like the playing field starts to even out during the college years and gets more and more even as time goes on. Eventually money and status takes the cake over attractiveness, which probably leads to more dead bedrooms and infidelity than people would like to admit.

The Halo effect is very real, but it's not as pronounced as you're saying it is. There's a reason why women talk shit about attractive/muscular dudes, being Chad can't always outrun being seen as a dick.

Look, you don't get what good personality means. Nobody gives a fuck if you are nice or friendly or not. But even that asshole abuser won't get laid if he stays in his basement being too shy to talk to women. And being an abusive asshole often contains many attractive traits like dominance, agressiveness, confidence, disregard for rules etc.

Probably true altho the snowball effect of having had 30 years of easy sex and status often leads to far better starting situations for attractive people. So the playing field might be even, but one team has to walk 10 miles to the playing field, while the other is chauffered.

The question that always needs to answered with anecdotes like this
>did they meet before or after 2012?

I've never seen a woman talk shit about Chad, in any way but playfully. It's more pronounced the more attractive you are.
Being confident is not "personality". It's a component of a personality. A good personality literally means nice, friendly etc. An attractive personality might be a better descriptor for what you are going for. Hell, even "interesting". Also asshole abusers will get vag from women if they are good looking, but choose to stay in their stinky basement crack den - r9k can give you the literal full dox of the guys who do this.

All that said - robots are their own worst enemy. They look at these dark triad Chads and the women they fuck and get mad - even though these very same women are generally repulsive human beings who just look good.