WHY have you NOT started taking FINNASTRIDE

Baldcels deserve death

Attached: abrupthairloss01_1451356.jpg (600x497, 144.13K)

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I'm on hrt. I don't need that idiot

Attached: compf.png (377x245, 27.88K)

Get your pseudo-hrt away from me. Enjoy your man boobs, brain fog, dead dick, and fucked mood.

I will NOT take the tranny pills


this is how genuine normies act on r9k. let this be a reminder to anyone who makes friends with dudes who broke up with a girl, this is how they treated you

two men with very low test

woah haha you sound like a huge fag dude lol


kek actually so fucking based
You sound more feminine than your gf

Been on finasteride for 1 year and started treatment early. My hair definitely improved but I have the sex drive of a 60 year old.

The brutal truth is that you either take finasteride so your SMV is still salvageable but have ED. Or you become a baldcel instead and have 0 chance of intimacy.

Getting cialis soon.

Because I'm not losing my hair.

You lack talent. You will get nowhere in life thinking that a rudimentary Kermit impression is something to share, like it's some skill you have
compare this to:
Actual talent

This was so cringe that it was funny.

feels good no one is bald in my family, I will never be bald

OP, are you like, genuinely autistic? I thought it was just, like, a meme that robots were autistic. You've given me a new outlook. Now I KNO)W that all of you fags posting this stupid shit are just as retarded as you claim to be. May God have mercy on your soul.

This is actually true every white max should take finasteride at 16 by law

Damn a couplea fags faggin up the board tonight.

Attached: YouAreEmpty.jpg (480x360, 32.85K)

BRO. You just destroyed OP. That was so BASED!

Holy shit dude that was art. Saving that shit to my hard drive for all of eternity

y r u mad
wat he say