It's retarded to be proud of your national identity, your culture, or its history

>it's retarded to be proud of your national identity, your culture, or its history.
Do you agree with this? Why?

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Not going to do your CRT homework, OP.

Yes, because my nation doesn't give a fuck about me, my culture has been subverted for hundreds of years and isn't even mine, and my history is being erased by the same people subverting what they tell me is supposed to be "my" culture

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It isn't, people who insist it must be are morons.

It was always important until about 20 years ago.

im tired of pretending there is some rule to this.

Is it cringe? don't do it. that's all there is to it. Religion, nationality, sexuality, it all depends on whether or not you're doing it cringe or doing it cool.

But guess what determines what's based or cringe though

Yes. Nationalism, as the quote goes, is the last bastion of the scoundrel. If you are so worthless and uncomplicated that the circumstances of your birth are all you have to be proud of then you are likely worthless. I only take pride or shame in my own individual accomplishments.

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I don't get it, how will a society exist without its people being proud of it at all?

Depends on how much you have contributed to your country and culture, which for the vast majority of us is absolutely nothing lol

by this logic, there is no reason to be happy whenever a family member accomplishes anything and also sports doesn't make sense

There's nothing wrong with it necessarily, it's just that many people who are most proud of it are people who have no accomplishments of their own. It's almost like they take credit for other people's accomplishments. Pretty cringe.

Exactly. Now you're getting it. But it makes more sense to be happy for a family member's achievements than "your" sports team.

Yes. Living vicariously through the achievements of people who died hundreds of years ago is braindead.

Yes. You personally didn't do shit and your ancestors were most likely peasants and vagabonds.

Even then, it is irrelevant. Elliot Rodger was descended from British Aristocracy and he was still a retarded loser who couldn't function.

Sports really doesn't make sense, why the fuck do you care if a guy from your city is really good at a sport FFS.

I think nazis were cool.

I remember spending a whole day doing some research on people that said that and all of them turned out to be retarded evil nigg*rs that even a true nigg*r would feel repulsed by. These people have no souls, no purposes, their entire lives are meant to parrot ideas from some fucked up channels that they don't even know. Their only friends are their dogs, which all of them coincidentally have. They consider humans as evils while treating other people lower than dogs.

To be proud? Yes. To think that it's meaningful is murkier.

wow i can be proud of my culture and want to go back to a GLORIOUS AND TRADITIONAL PAST despite the fact that in the 50s i would of still been a loser. In 1861 I would of still been a loser OH and i would of been conscripted to go fight for the confederates in the civil war. at no point in human history would of I had friends or anything. Im a loser to people now. I would be a loser to be then but hey at least now I can watch movies and have fun on my pc instead of idk living in a shack in the Appalachian mountains or living on the streets of london like my ancestors did.

This is propaganda by jews to demoralize white people in an attempt they will stay down and keep hosting the parasites like the good little goy they are.

Looking at the history of America and current society, I see nothing to be proud about. We were always consumerist slaves beholden to materialism, people act as if it's a relatively new thing. Back during the thirteen colonies, Indians would live off the land and only take what was necessary to them. They lived minimally. They saw the white man and thought he was stupid, for he built massive buildings full of cracks and crevices full of useless space to store useless trinkets and spent all day tirelessly running around and building even more useless large spaces.

The colonists on the other hand saw these Indians, relaxing, rarely working, in a very tight tribal community. They weren't working, they weren't sweating, they were wasting the land. After all, you have to build these very large homes with very large open spaces to store your very large trinkets and other useless shit you built. So they killed them. Then we invaded a few countries to get more money so we could buy more useless shit, we imported slaves to break the homogeneity so they could give us shit and then when we wanted more shit we gave women rights so the workforce could double and we could halve the salary of the workforce.

The only nationalists in this country are retards and the very old. Everyone else is too doped up on SSRIs, Tik Tok or Instagram.

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