If you could change the ratio of males to female born, what ratio would you choose?

If you could change the ratio of males to female born, what ratio would you choose?

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2:1 is mine. I think two females for every one male would be a good ratio. nb4 they would all flock to chad, I considered this and I don't think they would.

1 to 7.9 billion

Like 50 to 1, maybe then I would have a chance.

and then Any Forums becomes a female site

All of you are better off dead.

10 females for every one male. Mommy world when????

50:50. Currently there is a male surplus in the sexually relevant age bracket.

Not a real loss then is it

On how the original ratio came to be in every animal species.
So the ratio of more women to men seems logical for maximum reproduction, however if there is a mutation in someone to have more males that mutation is likely to be passed down more because those males will account for a bigger proportion of offspring. That can go the other direction as well if there are more men than women, the one with the mutation for more females will spread more and so on. Eventually stabilizing at 1.06 men to one woman because men tend to die more

If anything older people (30+) have way more sex than most young people.
Women's standards lower since they're way past their prime and guys still want to fuck anything remotely feminine just like they always have.

That doesn't matter to me, I want to have sex now, not wait until I'm 30+. And I don't think sex magically becomes easier to get as a man once you hit 30, for most guys.

>I want to have sex now, not wait until I'm 30+
Try to find some MILFs
Go on tinder and set your age range for 30-45


Females over age of 30 are killed, young stock of females always available

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3 females to 1 male

good compromise not mentioned in the thread yet

4 Females/1 Male

1000 females for every 1 male would b great
And make most of the males femboys

1:1 makes a lot of sense, I don't know. For the record it's currently 101:100 in favor of men.
This silicone cleavage is offensive to me.

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10 women to 1 man

4 females for every male

Why would we need so many?

3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939:1 for females to males
Keep the numbers magical :)

ATLEAST between 3-5:1, females to males

probably 4? that sounds about right

>1:1 makes a lot of sense, I don't know. For the record it's currently 101:100 in favor of men
its like we are genetically destined to die in war, while a small % of chads get all the sex

i hate god, honestly i do

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I can try, but I'm going to be angry when it doesn't work out.

So that hopping between males isn't really tenable would be one reason, otherwise you just get the same shitty scenario we have now