Fasting diary

Day 0 I just finished purging not going to be weighing myself cause I already hate how I look , since I am bullimic I Will try taking more electrolytes than usual. My record is six days but I am going to try 2 ,binge purge and repeat. Can't bitch out now since I told my best friend r9k

Does fasting kill your braincells?

Attached: 1644842232393.jpg (308x232, 26.48K)

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Is it bad that the only interest I had in this image was the guy's trigger discipline? It's no good, btw.

Makes it funnier nice

Opposite. Fasting is good for the brain. However, bulimia isn't good, friend. What's your height, weight, and sex?

Female 5 2 , and 47 but have gained probably. But I won't get the autophagy cause I will crack and have diet soda

Please see a mental health professional
Also, you will be most attractive with a bmi around 22-23 so go to a bmi calculator a try to get there

Sauce on video? Is it legit or a fake one?

>But I won't get the autophagy
Autophagy isn't an on/off process. It's always happening a little bit in the background but deprivation causes it to increase. A ketogenic diet increases it as well, but not as much as fasting.

Is the 47 in pounds? Please tell me it's not..

No kg,I wish fuck kill me
So you can have it even with diet soda?nice cause I like a little fasting
Never was that weight and already feel fat at like 18

Bruh, you're on the low end of healthy for bmi, why are you trying to lose weight? I personally let myself go the last couple years. Going back to alternate day fasting til I drop from 190 lbs -> 150. As for longer fasts, I once did a week

Yeah the 2 things it's sensitive to are protein and sugar. Drinking a diet soda isn't ideal, but it's not going to hurt much. Autophagy is still poorly studied in humans, and most of the info coming out regarding autophagy in humans is merely guess-work extrapolated from lab tests on other organisms (mostly yeast). Read everything you see about the topic with a skeptical eye.

Your body is supposed to have a certain amount of fat, user
And you will be healthies with a bmi of about 22-23
Your perception of your body is wrong, it's called body dismorphia

Ok ok. She gets it. She knew this shit before ever making this thread. You're not saving her today. Now fuck off and stop trying to make her less hot.

I just want to understand the why. Once someone becomes anorexic they look disturbing. I'd rather see burn victims

>just want to understand the why
And yet nobody has asked OP why, only pointed at ways to increase her BMI

That image is an idol, like from the Bible. It's in the randomly generated filename.


Telling someone the truth in a kind way will help

Most attractive is bmi 16 - 17. 23 is fat as fuck

Don't do it user, you will get skin flaps

Just live on beans and frozen veggies you fatty.
It's the same result without destroying yourself

That's not even bmi 18. Are you sure you have bulimia?