Anyone ever recovered from rock bottom? What was it like?

Title says it all, share your stories bros I'd love to hear any stories be it good or bad.

I'm turning 26 with nothing to show for it. Basically NEET only "in college" to delay debt payments. Eastern EU, owe the government $4200 or so with no income or skills to get hired.
Spinal hernia in lower back and neck, hands don't work properly due to the nerves. Carpal tunnel in both, cockblocked by doctors to fix it because I don't have the vax. Some weird lumps in neck / under jaws seem to spread so might end me randomly. Dick is fucked due to some mystery UTI that never really left for a year despite treatment.
Schizoid tism with a brief stint in a mental hospital that I left voluntarily. Socially isolated with an aging wagie mother that brings me my daily feed of energy drinks and whatever else. Gibs aren't an option here.

Basically I got what I fucking deserved and I don't like it. Too much of a bitch to off myself, after a failure I became really afraid of dying. Even if I did I'm not sure if the debt would transfer to my mother or not, it's some "free college, but pay if you fuck up" deal. I've made attempts, but failure after failure grinds ones psyche. Not like I ever worked hard, I was and am a bitch that gave up at the first real hurdle.
The "one day" and the many "tomorrow"s have closed in on me in a blink of an eye it seems.

I don't see an improve montage on the horizon bros, any of you had one?

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>not sure if the debt would transfer to my mother
It would not, user. If your estate (assets you own) can pay for the debts, then they may pursue that to pay the debts, but otherwise it is written off.

Looks like death is the only answer. And by death I mean ego death

Yes, i hit rock bottom few years ago and started recovering slowly. you don't see an improve montage, that's exactly the problem. visualize exactly what you want out of everything, customize your entire life in your own imagination, then just work towards that daily. if your problems are severe enough it will take time to reverse them but they can be reversed. it will also take effort. you have to stay aware daily and constantly of what is in your imagination and make sure it matches what you are experiencing. all that time what were you doing? were you thinking about what you want and not going for it? probably weren't even thinking about it, just existing and life happens to you like an animal, like you're just sensing and experiencing, not making executive decisions about everything. just decide the way things should be and then make it happen

>just decide the way things should be and then make it happen
God I wish I had the easy life of a normie

not op but this is what i've concluded. i have an oz of psilocybin to build myself up to a heroic dose that hopefully cracks the code i can't

Well I got nothing to my name they can take. Fucking glad I talked my mom out of transferring the flat to my name.

What exactly do you mean by this? I've tried every /x/ larp out there to spook my lottery tickets into winning for me. I've little to no desires, coming to terms with permanent bodily damage and pain, constant tinnitus and others have left me without much to expect. I don't think I take things for granted, not anymore at least, not even things like the ability to hold my piss or lift a plate.
I think you are right though. It's my fucking ego keeping me "going". I just can't accept the consequences of my actions and have the gall to play the victim in my mind at least.

Also right, I just don't know what I "want" either. Less pain, less sad, more happy isn't exactly a life goal. Sounds like something that would work for someone that was mostly "on target" or on the rails of their life for the most part and just got derailed temporarily. Not for someone who never took a step, never had a dream of any sort, just existed "like an animal" trying to cope with whatever at the time.
Would you be willing to share your story in more concrete terms? Like, what happened, what was your rock bottom, what did you dream up to work towards, what steps did you take to work towards them, what came of it?

no i'm just deciding to do this. but i could have been a normie you're right. i definitely could have fucked several girls in highschool and gone to uni and worked and whatever i just didn't.

wait, i never knew you can od on shrooms?
too lazy to google, is this truth?
it can't be that easy... pic related

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Well you could unironically sell ur kidney and if you plan on offing urself at least get organ donor shit so that at least ur failure in life can become somebodys good but that guy will be prob be some rich guy so yea but its worth a try

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missed the ego part...

He means to fix his brain, the patterns that burned in, to change fundamentally. The "heroic dose" is used for such things, there was some Joe Rogan guest that fixed his stutters with it.
I wish I could get my hands on some here in Hungaristan, but every gypsy I asked on the streets at random didn't have any. I don't wanna get beat up again. It's one of those things I've seen as a vague ray of hope, but it hurts that it's so unavailable.

>sell your organs
They wouldn't even take my blood user, I asked. Only like 30-40 blood donations would be enough to pay my debt I think.

i started off life adopted, my mom gave me up. i am an interracial adoption and my family sucked ass. i never saw one half and the other half didnt associate me because i was black. i got bullied like forever for being that one too white black guy who isn't sub 90 iq. my parents were poor rednecks and made several bad decisions and were emotionally abusive and alcoholics. i switched schools like every year, so i knew everyone in town but had no actual circle. so i was like a semichad or something. i wasnt ever really ugly but skinny and lanky. girls tried to fuck me a lot but i also creeped some girls out. i didnt fuck any of the girls because i had this autistic image of myself and had weird views from being isolated so long. started drinking and smoking and playing games all day around 13-14 and never stopped. failed highschool then everyone left my rural shit town and i was really alone. stayed getting high for years, started getting really depressed. talking to this girl online when i'm 19, think she's my soulmate. dad dies when i'm 20. the girl has bpd and totally fucks me up mentally. i try to go to community college, fail out of that 4 times. so alone at this point and very high always. fast forward to i'm 21-22, i said enough. quit school, broke up with the girl, started working on why i was a piece of shit. went through jobs, etc etc. but i'm still stuck in my old mindset of laziness and hate and whatever else. fast forward to i'm 23, find out girl cheated on me with a 35 year old dude for a year. i wanted to kill myself. i said fuck it, i have got to go get my life. i know what i want, i'm going to go get it. and i'm making myself into who i want, i'll never feel pain again. so here i am now on the road to my goals i made up months ago. been through jobs still, but i'm getting better at gettings jobs. i can quit a job and have a new one within 2 weeks of the same pay. im getting out more even though i have no friends at all. I'm working on a lot

Buddy if you think that's what rock bottom looks like I got some bad news for you. You are in a position that I would literally kill for. I MEAN LITERALLY KILL to trade places with you.

Yeah, maybe you ain't exactly young but about half the shit you think is problems are either self imposed or non-issues.

Also don't worry so much about things like success or failure. Those are false ideals imposed on you by society. There is only survival and succumbing. Nothing else matters.

If you want the secret to unfucking your life quick it's this. Get a part time job. Preferably something in an office or whatever if you've got back problems.

Well fuck i guess you could start stealing shit or drive immigrants so yea you are fucked then i guess joining the army but i doubt they would take you by the looks of it

Was considering suicide for a long period of my life. Exposure therapy, relaxation techniques, CBT, educating myself on human psychology, and actually building an ego around programming helped me. Doing things that bring your sens eof self-worth up or solidifies your role in the world will help pull you out.

We attach to identities really easily, so if you attach ro a loser identity you will likely stay there.

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no, user, ego death

I'm sorry for that. Mine has been long overdue. I finally accepted I wouldn't find another friend with connections and just ordered them online, but I don't know the logistics of that for you.
I remember I was silent the whole ride back after my first trip. I just kept thinking how sad it was that so many people would never experience what I had, and how its demonization was a crime against the collective human spirit.
I hope you find another ray

really though i did absolutely nothing from ages 13-22 pretty much. sat in one shitty ass room being fucked up talking to no one. but now i'm like a sage or something i understand the nature of reality. i'm still kinda a piece of shit though but i am working on it daily. gonna get out of here by age 25 and be totally functioning and hopefully start sticking my penis in a woman several times

Fuck that sound horrible. Makes me grateful that I at least had a parent to depend on all this time...
So if it's not too personal, care to share who you want to be and what you wish to achieve by the end of it? Whats your game plan aside from working odd jobs?

Yeah I expected to be told this. It can get even more horrible and just by the amount of people on here from all across the world I'm sure many of you had it worse. That's why I asked for some real life "lived experiences" from anons.

>Get a part time job. Preferably something in an office or whatever if you've got back problems.
Trying. Worked at a call center for 3 weeks... half a year ago, basically for nothing. Problem is that those jobs are often only posted when they are already filled by kids of their relatives or some shit. In the EU you need a fucking degree/certificate just to breathe which I obviously don't so most of the things I'm qualified for is labor which yeah...
>There is only survival and succumbing. Nothing else matters.
This is actually a good way to look at things, thanks. It's helpful since I'm obviously not going to kill myself just yet.

well who i want to be is broad because it comes down to customizing every aspect of your life to your own will and imagination. so the big things i want are i want enough money that i can do or have whatever i want. i don't wanna work for other people. i also want to share love with women, i dont wanna just fuck or something i wanna have fun positive experiences with women instead of hating them or being afraid or whatever. i love whores, i thank them for making it easy. not prostitutes but like slutty girls . so i want to have a lot of experience with women, love or whoring around i don't care. i like women. but i wanna be someone that women like that's the key, so i can give them happy feelings. that's really fun. i want my own shit, i want my own style, i want my music taste maxed out, i want my car collection, i wanna play the sports i like, etc. expanding personality, customizing all the things i wanna customize. i've basically made a list of every single one of my desires. i also wanna change my physical appearance as well. but the important thing is when you figure out what you want, it seems selfish but in reality like say you want to become fit and jacked, you wanna do it because you wanna share it with others that's the key. focusing on yourself is the same as focusing on others basically. my game plan for the next 2 years is I'm going to establish myself in my hometown. i'm getting my own place and being completely independent. i'm gonna go out and experience whatever my shit town has to offer. gonna basically live a trial run for when i leave this town. make myself look beautiful, work at my job for a consistent 2 years and build credit and savings, get all prepared to present my new self, and then fuck off to a city of my choosing. right now i'm choosing seattle. then when i get there in 2 years, i'll be ready. and i'm gonna fucking live the shit out of my life, i'm going for everything i want. nobody knows the old me.

i'm also planning to sell my mom's house once i leave which will make her enough money to rent a place til she dies and i will take half or something and be on my way. that's also in the plan. the plan right now is work until is save 3k and move out, then i'm on the step of selling the house. just gonna build my savings account for 2 years, build my personality, build my looks, build everything how i want it, take my money, then FUCK OFF to a nice big place with shit to do and people to see, and i'm gonna try and make a life that i would want that i have already envisioned and transcribed on paper. that's the plan

also advice to neets who want a job, when i was job hopping i kept leaving because the job was too annoying to do or took up too much time. check out what jobs are being offered in your area, including remote jobs, and try to find one that is easiest to do. do not chase the wage you will end up in some bullshit job. use low wage as leverage to weasel into a comfy job. like go apply for 17 an hour jobs and say you'll do it for 13, you'll get hired for this comfy job where you don't do shit. remote jobs are probably the easiest things ever also so if you need a job and you need money fast just do that. you'll have amazing work history and you wont ever leave your house or your pajamas. if your town has only bullshit jobs take the remote pill. would you rather do that or mcdonalds or warehousing. they usually pay more too and recruit through staffing agencies who will get you a job so fast. just if you talk nice, you can have no experience they dont care because they make money off getting you a job.