Women, and why you should ignore them

Gentlemen, I am sick and tired of watching robots and incels whine incessantly about how much they just want to be loved, and this and that and the other thing. I've been on Any Forums long enough to have heard every wish and every desire imaginable, and I am here to crush your dreams. Sorry, genuinely.
The problem is rather fundamental to female psychology, and a tad difficult to explain properly. The easiest way is to simply say that everything you want, they don't. You want someone who will love you for who you are, and always be by your side, a loyal loving wife and so on and so forth. The problem is women do not want to do that. No woman wants to love someone for who they really are. No woman wants to be with a depressed loner, even if he's smoking hot and has more money than Jef Bezo's And Bill Gates combined.

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The best possible example I could give is this. Imagine you are the captain of a boat. Maybe it's a great expensive boat that looks great. Maybe it's a piece of shit that hasn't been taken care of its entire existence. The good news is that doesn't matter. Women couldn't give less of a fuck what you, or your boat, look like. It's true! Anyway, you're driving your shitty boat down the river and women are literally just lining up at the water's edge, waiting for a captain to pick them up.

Now, if you're suave and sly, you could certainly park your boat on the shore and convince a few cuties to come aboard. It's easier than you think, all you have to do is be confident and ask. The problem is that women want to ride the boat and have fun, not stick by the captain through thick and thin and be his co-pilot.

If you're looking for a woman who will be your co-pilot, the one who loves you and your shitty boat and will stick with you no matter what, you might as well stop looking. Women want to be led on a trip of exhilarating emotions and not have to think or worry about anything. As far as they're concerned, everything is both your responsibility and your fault. All they want to do is stand on the deck and look off the edge, not help you navigate your way downstream. Catch my drift?
I know it hurts. It hurt me too, but you have to face reality at some point. Women do not want to fix you. They do not want to love you. They do not even want to think about you. All they want is to be taken on a fun ride. If you want more than that, and if you're on Any Forums you certainly do, then sorry, but it isn't going to happen. There is literally no woman that exists that will love you. They aren't even capable of such things.

Now, I've been quite a downer this whole time. However, I come bearing good news! Women sure as hell don't want to be sitting in the captains chambers deciphering maps, but guys sure as hell do! Now I'm not telling you to be a homofag. I'm saying that what you stupid motherfuckers have been looking for this entire time is a goddamn friend. A real one, which none of you have obviously ever had, or else you wouldn't fucking be here in the first place. Go find yourself a goddamm friend, it's a hell of a lot easier than searching for a mythical being that wants to both fuck you, and comfort you.

didn't read + small dick energy + cope + ratio + L + cope + seethe

you're the only one coping and seething friend. Good to hear this response though, now give it to women instead of men.

>Go find yourself a goddamm friend,
This man speaks the truth

If everyone on Any Forums put one tenth of the effort they spend trying to find a girl capable of love, into trying to make some friends, Any Forums would be a dead board.

What makes you think having friends can compensate for lack of love? It definitely doesn't for me.

>Title mentions women
>Main text starts with gentleman

>Rest of text instantly ignored

friends are literally where you get the love. retard. Not women. That's the point. Women aren't even capable of love. they just want to get fucked and have fun. Get you some friends.

That's the spirit! Now do this to literally every woman in your life, just ignore them.

>Now do this to literally every woman in your life, just ignore them.
I'm not a closet faggot like you, so no, I don't think I will.

This is why traps are kinda based.
And im not an ugly dude, I've had many gfs, youre right. but traps want to be that. Unfortunately theyre all ugly tho.

I had a gf, some friends are married. Love is rare and hard to get, but it does exist.

This is why women are inferior and the "superior" male manipulated by the female. Only problem is society doesn't want to admit this, instead create a complex theory to political/economic to dance around this issue. Morals and philosophy are pick and choose to what is convenient or not when it comes to women. Isnt it strange when a revolution against the patriarch the belief was. "morals are subjective" and now when you mention it to them, they then conclude "well there is a right and wrong." If us men collectively made it so no women are allowed on the ships and burned every fucking dock and let them drown life would be better, but we won't because we allow these black holes suck us into their problems

you sure that's how it works?

>Main text starts with gentleman
>Rest of text instantly based

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Yes, some people love each other deeply and it's just a cope to pretend it doesn't exist.

A man can love deeply. But I'm sorry to tell you that I know more about women than you do. Sure I'm oversimplifying things when I say they can't feel love, but it really is true. They don't love you. They love the way you make them feel, and literally anyone in the world can do that. You're just the one that's doing it right now.

then enjoy coming back to Any Forums every week to complain about how no woman loves you and how you're all alone instead of just ignoring dumb bitches that are literally incapable of thought and getting some friends.

I have multiple very good friends. I still crave for a woman who loves me. Friendship isn't the same.

then you should seek psychiatric help because that is not natural, nor is it possible.
You might as well be saying. "No, I know I really am a woman inside, I just need to find this miracle pill that will make me look like what I know I am."
I'm sorry bro, I really am. But all you are doing is hurting yourself.

>Wanting a woman instead of multiple men as a heterosexual male is not natural

the error in your judgement is that you consider women to be human. You might as well say that you're superior to a cat, or a goat. Women do not think. They feel. This alone disqualifies them from sentience.

You can certainly want a woman. I'm not saying not to have fun and fuck bitches. (well I technically am, but that's a whole other point not currently being discussed.) Go ahead and fuck bitches my dude. Just don't expect them to love or care about you. It would literally be the same as me saying my onahole cares and loves me.