Reminder to stop basing your appearance on your phone camera

Reminder to stop basing your appearance on your phone camera.

Attached: focal_length_distance.jpg (1428x920, 625.94K)

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reminder to dont feel any pride in yourself, your face will wither away.

Jokes on you, i still look like shit even filmed with a professional camera.
>T. Saw myself being filmed.

I wish there was a way to fix phone cameras.

Attached: photo1.jpg (800x261, 190.38K)

That sucks bro, what distance were you filmed at though?

There are some projects to do that.
Nothing being used in any phones though I believe.

Which of these represents what we actually look like?

Mate, I still look like an abomination even with a mirror, there's no hope.

>Which of these represents what we actually look like?
The 2nd image is closest to what he looks like irl but higher focal lengths usually make you look better. They say that 50mm is perfect though.

All the white guys look good either way.

Like one shot was at around 10 meters and another at 3 meters.

Reminder to stop appearing on camera

Attached: 1608174562307.png (395x395, 74.78K)

>no woman is attracted to me
>must be because phone camera

Attached: 1641729278987.jpg (640x635, 46.92K)

They literally transformed from top male models into just regular guys.

The top tow and bottom right are so jarring and different that I struggle to see them as the same person, bottom left definitely is the same person, but the other two examples... no way are phone cameras this bad, it's no wonder women abuse angles and filters.

The mirror is basically how you look.

Photo is more honest than the mirror. With the mirror you make auto-adjustments to look better.

That said, your mannerisms and expressions also alter things - in photos I'm a 5 at best. But I don't have problem with girls who are around 7 - the constant refrain is "you look better in real life!" - but I really don't, I just have a...not personality, but mannerism? that is appealing, so they think I look better.

>With the mirror you make auto-adjustments to look better.
What the hell are you talking about, the only reason a mirror isn't more accurate is because you're not viewing yourself as others would see you.

The mirror is accurate because your mental perspective of yourself sees every little change in a reversed image as being odd, nobody else would notice these things. The only thing that would be different in a mirror and irl would be the viewing angle based on height and distance.

Not everyone does it, most likely, but watch people check themselves out in the mirror - often without realising it, they are moving their head in an attempt to get the most flattering angle, often without realising that is what they are doing.

True roasties actually do this consciously so they know what way to present themselves IRL too.

Some of them even go insane doing it, like Ariana Grande.

Attached: 5cd5abb21f000059009dbe6a.jpg (720x1101, 113.79K)

android smartphones, especially ones made in China, usually do auto-filters to alter your face. Also you can adjust it and proper lighting change photos too much.

I love your attitude :D