What are you afraid of? Type it here

What are you afraid of? Type it here

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Being outed as a girl. I've always had really fembrained interests.

People. Wish I am rich so I can buy a massive mansion and live in it alone.

having to spend one minute with insufferable people that I hate
serious medical problems
not being able to play vidya

I'm afraid of people, specifically of them judging me and whispering behind my back, and I have completely wasted my life due to this fear.

Fuck bro same

spiders and insects in general
getting a disability
large crowds
the future
friends/family discovering that i'm a sexual deviant
being completely alone
running out of money

Sobriety I guess, or the boredom and monotony that comes with it.

working my entire life away in jobs I hate.

oof that hit too close to home

forgot about that one

its amazing how quickly the will Smith slap thing got old but thats a pretty funny one
its kinda lame but im scared my elderly cat is going to die alone one day randomly while I'm at work or something, I just want to be there to comfort her as she slips away

Running out of people who love me (it keeps happening, too uninteresting, depressed and anhedonic to stop it)

i am scared of my family going to hell.
If I go to hell, it would be just me in the hell but if my family goes to hell, not only I would be sad but they would be suffering.

bugs and the ocean

The Fart Chambers.

don't worry user hell isnt real

I'm afraid of expressing myself genuinely and being rejected by an audience. I'm afraid of the excessive responsibility that comes with success. I'm afraid of my entire life changing over night because of success anmd being unable to handle the change. I'm afraid that when the decision comes between my current life that I hate and the new life that I dreamed of that I wont be strong enough to jump the chasm into the new life and that I will stay stagnant until I die. I'm afraid that if I do make the jump I will fail miserably and live in an even worse state than I'm living currently. I'm afraid that I'm aging and wont be able to keepo up with technology or popular opinion.

I'm afraid of so many things, and only recently have I had the humility to admit it to myself.

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I took a massive risk and moved overseas in hopes for a better future even though I had an ok job and comfy life in my shithole country. Now I`m experiencing delayed onset cultural shock feeling lonely as fuck with no friends

I am afraid I will fail and I will return to my shithole country after wasting all my money and losing 3 years of my life without having any success, having to start from zero after having managed to FINALLY get my life in order

Death. My chronic condition gets worse and worse and I still can't get myself to commit suicide, I hate it. If I was an animal I'd have been put down already.

what is your disability fellow robot?

people and time

Chronic migraines. I have multiple migraine/headache attacks per day and I've been through extensive medical testing that has found no cause. I know you'll laugh and say "lol its just a headache drink water lmao" but it has literally ruined my life, I failed college because of it and I can't work, I'm 23 and I literally rely on my parents financially because I'm too debilitated to provide for myself.