Opinions on this, wageslaves?

Opinions on this, wageslaves?
Bow to your overlords and be grateful you're slaving away your life for money.

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This is so gay. Honestly we need to automate every job asap.

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>be greatful cotton picker, somebody gave you a job!
wow stunning and brave

Don't forget to wish them well and pray for them while they breathe down your neck everyday!

How again is this different from praising your King's name while you toil for scraps?

And don't say "yOu hAvE phOnEs", Maasai fuckin' warriors have cell phones now. Plus Kings didn't even have a toilet that could flush. They shat in a stone hole in the castle. Everyone has equal access to technology, that isn't and was never the point. The point is a select group of uber-people do no labor, create no value, and expect us to labor for them to create profit and thank them while we do it.

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I agree
Almost 90% of the world will lose their jobs but that includes small companies
Let the elites of the elites be rich and powerful
Those managers, supervisors, leaders that are non important people of this world should starve like the rest of us and be reminder that they're also worthless and any titles they hold

A prime example of the lower class being turned against the middle class in favour of the upper class, as has been happening since the dawn of human civilisation. Kill yourself.

My boss, whom I'm related to, unironically works harder than every other employee, frequently taking calls even late in the evening at home, after a full day's work att he office, with his annoying kid screaming in the background. I got the job largely through nepotism and put very little effort in. I know I'm the exception, but I really am grateful.

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>nigger has slave mindset

Hardly news.

yeah but when 100% of jobs r automated I doubt there will be any kind of universal basic income. I don't see any hope for future

Your middle class can fuck of with their wage slave jobs. We need total automation and be done with wage cage.

>bossman need someone to do a job, doesn't have the expertise or time for it himself
>get hired
>do a thing he asked you to do in order to get compensation for your time and skills
Literally don't understand how you view this as bad. Without the worker OR the bossman there would be no society.

These middleclass has been looking down on the lower class people and pretend to be like the elite.
They deserve to go down with us.

The problem is that the income is not distributed to the society and its people, as it should be. We have already reached degrees of automation that should have our work force doing 2-day work weeks for the same pay (adjusted for inflation mind you) as 50 years ago. And yet, our work force now gets half the pay they used to while working 2.5 times more for it (again, when adjusted for inflation), all this while rents, housing costs and medical bills are 2-20x higher than before.


Because the money gained from automation doesn't go to the people. It goes to the rich. We are fast headed for a dystopian world where 0.1% have everything and the rest have nothing. And in a true realization of Theodore Kaczynski's manifesto, at the point where 99% of the jobs are automated, what bargaining power do you think the miserable billions of people have, when the rich don't even need them any longer?

Really depends on the business. Big businesses aren't personal entities that have a concept of loyalty. Small or family businesses are a different matter. But of course, simply from your own pov, it's true. If you expect to ever build a career - which today is still the best way to guarantee a good living standard, family, happiness, and an early retirement -, then morality and a healthy amount of loyalty and work ethic is the best way to get there. By healthy, I mean enough, but not too much. Don't stay in a wage hole, don't allow yourself to be exploited. Know your worth. But the thing about your worth is, you have to actually earn it.

I am what NEETs like to call a wageslave, and this is just wrong. I shouldnt be grateful for the money i actually work for, however i am quite proud of what i've accomplished with said money.

Jobs give you diabetes and mental illness

Jobs slowly wear you down. Until you are always depressed and tired. And women dont want to be around men that are like that.

Women does that to you as well

>Opinions on this, wageslaves?
Welcome to hiring.
>your job may not be your calling
No fucking shit. I wanted to work with 'puters or something, but I'm too old for such a venture.

>automate every job
And you think there's going to be UBI when there will be billions of idle brown people?

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I was already crazy and fucked in the head

Work is the gayest thing that ever happened to me

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Regardless of such feelings, it's better than being homeless and hungry.