My cat just got diagnosed with kidney disease. I'm completely broken. I can't imagine life without my cat...

My cat just got diagnosed with kidney disease. I'm completely broken. I can't imagine life without my cat, my best friend of nearly two decades. Life as a friendless, unemployed and single 33 year old autist loser will suddenly be unbearable when my little buddy is gone. I know I'll just get made fun of for this, I don't care, I just needed to say something to someone.

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I was just thinking how devastated ill be when my kitty goes, how long do you have left?

i'm very sorry. i've been in your place before and it is awful. i hope the rest of your time with your cat is blissful. maybe someday you can adopt another in his memory. i wish the best for you

I didn't know cats could get kidney disease. But anyway, what are you feeding him? A cat's natural diet is raw lean meat. Dry kibble is usually loaded with plant fiber, which can really fuck with a cat's health long term. Feed him straight meat for a while and see if his health improves.

No timeline yet, just that it's still quite early so hopefully a couple years, but just the idea that there's an actual end coming is hard to accept, I thought she'd always be around, and years go by so fast.
I'll never get another pet as long as I live, I can't bear to feel this way again, even if the loneliness will be endless.

Kidney disease is apparently the most common way for cats to die. I've always been really careful with my cat though, got her a water fountain and feed her wet food every night along with the dry food. Never thought it would happen to her but here we are.

I have lost most of mine to failing kidneys. But they've all lived to be 14-18 most of the time. I have one now also going through the stages. You'll more than likely make a decision to put him down before hand. I know it sucks to hear it but you can always get a new car. I unfortunately lost one of my buddies to cancer on his tongue that rapidly spread. Came out of left field. Broke my heart. I remember trying my best to keep him going but it was obvious it was time. He couldn't eat. Still depressed me today.

Spend the time you have with him. No shame in any of it. Pets are family.

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Kidney disease is perfectly manageable and not a death sentence. You have to change some things be willing to cough up dough for treatment. Assuming you arent looking for the easy way out.

thats how life goes bro
mines also dead nowadays, youll get over it

>I know it sucks to hear it but you can always get a new ca[t].
shitty thing to say

Sorry bro. Kitties are a true friend to robots.

>My cat just got diagnosed with kidney disease. I'm completely broken.
buy a new one

My cat died over Christmas. Kidney failure. She had been vomiting and acting strange and not eating for about a week or so leading up to it. She was really, really old and in bad shape in general, but it still hurt. When she came back from the vet she was so much worse. The last day was the worst - I had paid for a vet to come over and put her down the next day, and I had to put her bed in the bathroom as she couldn't move and for some reason also wanted to lie in the shower water. When I went to bed she was in there. When I woke up, she had managed to walk into my room and died under my bed. She was like a 3rd of her size from a month ago. She was so nice to me and it still makes me cry that I couldn't put her down before she got too sick and in pain. I didn't care about my grandparents dying, but I can't get over the fucking cat.

I foune a strat kitten in the gutter outside my unit block. So I adopted her. Now I get so paranoid something will go wrong with her. Won't even let her on the balcony.

I've lost mine to kidney issues too, on October. 12 years of good friendship. He could've lasted more if the vets didn't botch it.

why can't your cat get a kidney transplant from one of the thousands of cats they euthanize every day in shelters?

My cat got (or rather my late mother's cat) got diagnosed with kidney disease last year. The vet said to feed her special low protein cat food, but she scarcely ate or drank anything, and died a week later.
Where I'm living now is not well suited to a cat. But I may get one in future if I move somewhere with a bigger garden.

why didnt you just get a kitten instead OP? then you wouldnt be dealing with this

I'm sorry user. Enjoy your time with your cat. Pamper the hell out of them, give them a stuffed animal to cuddle. Your kitty will soon enter heaven and they will remember you fondly and you will join them and all your loved ones someday.


Huh, my cat lived for about 20 years and also died because of kidney complications. Seems to be a common way for cats to go.

Treasure what little time you have left with your buddy. You won't regret it. I also hope you have enough people support as well, I was a wreck from the grief when my cat went.

Most common way for older cats to go out.

Wow, just want to thank everyone for the awesome responses in this thread, it's really meant a lot to me tonight.

After a while she stopped being able to go to the bathroom altogether and she started bloating. Despite this, she still behaved in the same old way, never behaving like she was going to die soon. Eventually, she did get put down.

I don't really know what to call that feeling I feel when I think about it. Again, it's important to treasure what time you have left.

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