Be a man

>be a man
>don't have a marketable skill that is valuable to other people
>society makes you feel worthless and like you should kill yourself for this

I feel panic because of this. But literally nothing interests me, I'm good at nothing, and I resent that I have to do this to be valued by society.

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I agree with this post, and even relate to it

I relate to this post, and even agree with it

yeah buddy :(
>original comment

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You're not good at anything because you haven't picked a skill to develop. It's not for other people. It's for you. All the discontent you feel is nothing in the face of having capable hands. It doesn't determine your worth. It determines your quality of life.

Your daily reminder that being "naturally gifted" is a narrative clowns come up with to hide the fact they spent on autistic amount of time on one subject and continue to seem special.

You are useless, our modern medicine and safer lifestyles means that the weak genetically inferior males dont die like they used to, so now you have to actually compete against competent males.
Its always been like this, we are but animals.

Stfu. Spend 1,000 hours on something and anyone can be great. Literally ANYONE. No matter your background or education. ANY FUCKING BODY. You push this meme so you don't have to try.

>Spend 1,000 hours on something and anyone can be great.
Not really. I bet if someone gives a random fucker to study medicine, that rando will drop out. I mean, there's a reason why people drop out.

>im not good at anything

Because you never do anything... you even said it yourself. you dont want to work. its your fault that you want praise for doing nothing. thats antisocial. youre dysfunctional so dont expect praise for it

You're missing the point completely. You can't put 1,000 hours into something you drop out of or give up on. If your hypothetical random person wasn't thwarted by his own psyche and pushed through he'd have the ability to heal people.

The problem isn't the learning of skills, it's the requirement of effort, forced to have responsibilities at all, for ones food and ones shelter.
Forcefully born, forcefully brought into the light of awareness, and abandoned to walk a limited set of paths in which you must choose something to do even if you hate all your options.
If you want nothing to do with it at all and none of the choices before you inspire, you're all alone, no back-up, no assistance from the greater world. You're nothing. You have no choice but to capitulate to the mundane or suffer the consequences of inaction.
It's all a silly game though, I just wish I was not born, nor the 7+ billion others. Playing this game is disturbing, the suffrage is endless at all levels of it. It's absolutely absurd, makes no sense, and no matter what silly activity you do to pass the time it's nothing. It's meaningless. It's temporary. But a passing moment in time before the great silence of oblivion for all things.

It's incredibly easy to see why some people don't want anything to do with this absurdity and all the silly things we creatures do.

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You have a lot of ideas about something you have never experienced. Have you tried getting over yourself? You're not the chosen boy who first thought these things. You're thinking like a child.
What would you be able to do to fend for yourself if we just plopped you in the woods with nothing but a penknife? Fucking nothing. Because you're soft and your hands are bumbling.

So the fact that I don't want to work or try means that there is something seriously wrong with me? The fact that suicide seems like an attractive alternative to having to work isn't a normal thought?

you're an idiot, nobody will or can put 1k hours into something that doesn't interest them and is a massive fucking chore.
also 1k hours will not give you any kind of equivalence to talent, that's 10k hours

The fact that you only engage trolls and not someone genuine with an opposing viewpoint in debate says a lot about your character. And why you're destined for sullen mediocrity.

> You're the dumbass that's picking a focus that's a massive chore when there's infinite possibilities
> I'm talking about gettin' gud. Not mastery.

>> You're the dumbass that's picking a focus that's a massive chore when there's infinite possibilities
and the guy posting has specifically told you he has found nothing that actually interests him as of yet, so your advice is completely useless to him
10k hours also doesn't lead to mastery unless you have talent for it or never plateau, and for a lot of things you absolutely will plateau be it temporarily or completely. i engage in things i've plateau'd in just because i find it fun, but i don't have any illusions that i'm magically going to break this plateau and improve again like i have previously

So then wouldn't the better idea to be to FIND something that does interest you instead of trying to philosophize about your projection of people's ideas about what you are or aren't doing? Bored people have stopped using their brains.

>but i don't have any illusions that i'm magically going to break this plateau and improve again like i have previously
Okay, Journeyman.

>have a marketable, lucrative skill
>got fired from my really good job for refusing to participate in unwanted medical experimentation for a virus that was just a minor cold for me
>most companies in my industry are being faggots and requiring vaccination
>when I land an interview somewhere that doesn't think I have to be a guinea pig for the pharmaceutical Jew to earn a living there's always a better candidate who gets the job

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>you're an idiot, nobody will or can put 1k hours into something that doesn't interest them and is a massive fucking chore.

Sure they will, and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars too. It's what people do at college. You think any of them would be there taking those classes if they didn't feel like they had to?

Now THAT, my friend, is the REAL fuck of it. Thankfully my skill is some dumb niche shit that I can find loopholes for.
What is your skill if you don't mind my asking?
I wonder... have you recently planned to hide something specific under cement recently.

Funny how you don't address a single point he made and resort to "your not special get over it". He'd probably do better in the middle of the woods with a pen knife as he could address his immediate needs as they came instead of this world maintained by artificial scarcity(no sane person would put themselves in that situation intentionally so don't say why doesn't he do it) and if he didn't he would perish and that would be a fair death. This toughen up mantra is bullshit in a world where toughness and rigor mean little and can be detrimental you need to maneuver it with acuity with rules that can be paradoxical. This appeal to using a hammer In a house of cards is tired

>have several interests over the course of life
>never focused on one enough to be truly "good" at it

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Something autistic and boring in insurance. I'm good at it and have over 5 years of experience which lands me interviews for high quality jobs but I always get cucked at the finish line. I was just told today by a company I interviewed with 3 times for a great job they decided to offer the other finalist. I have interviews with 2 other places this week and I'll probably hear back to get more interviews scheduled next week from all the applications I filled out last week but fuck man, I'm starting to get desperate and I don't know what I'll do if I don't get hired soon.