What's the easiest...

What's the easiest, least painful way to rope that doesnt involve buying a gun or going on the dark web or other illegal activities? Am I really trapped here for 50 more years or so?

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>Am I really trapped here for 50 more years or so?
No. With scientific advancements, you will likely live even longer.

Jesus christ. I cant imagine another year of this shit much less 50+ more.

Hike Everest. High chance of dying and its a cool/brave death.

Yes, we are all trapped, user.

Think of the consequences before you act.

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this, plus if you die in a hard to reach spot your body will be immortalized forever or some guy might die when trying to retrieve your corpse

Good gif but im not really close to anyone so no one would care. My cat would be sad I guess.

Getting over there is super expensive though right? And id have to look like i knew what i was doing or else it would be too obvious.

>Implying I'd do it at home

You don't need to do Everest. I am most likely going to Alaska and will lose myself in the wilderness. I want all traces of me to disappear but will be almost impossible to accomplish. The car being the most difficult. I will have to submerge it in a lake probably.

Get really drunk, take some sleeping pills, and walk out into a snowstorm at high elevation.

You will pass out and then freeze to death in your sleep.

wasn't the previous reigning champion for a painless out exit gas

I heard they started mixing it with oxygen so it can't do anything anymore

Chain heavy weights to yourself and then jump into the ocean.

Yeah ive looked into exit bags but helium is hard to find and it will be diluted with oxygen. You wont die and will just injure yourself. They want us to suffer and not have a way out.

Drowning is not painless. Maybe if you passed out first.

I mean, you could throw yourself in front of a train. Amtrak comes by my house every night at like 11 pm and I have considered jumping in front many times.

>Drowning is not painless. Maybe if you passed out first.

From what I've read, it's painful when you first go no longer hold your breath, but that passes very quickly and then you are overwhelmed by a profound sense of calm.

Id rather not put someone through that if possible. I mean ill be dead anyway but i dont think its fair to the train operator or whoever.

Heliu- oh wait hahaha we're running out of it and the cost has gone up so much that you can't afford it hahahahaha
Welcome to hell world, bitch.

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Why the fuck is suicide guilt tripped so badly? You think THIS shit makes the person feel better? Its just another part of this shitty reality. Can't even take your own fucking life because that'd make others sad.