Why are women incapable of philosophical thought

why are women incapable of philosophical thought

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females are passive by their nature
philosophy requires active engagement and examination

Because they are narcissists who only care about how they can exploit people

nigga who cares about philosophy
go back

women only care about artful stuff whereas moids obsess over word salads so they can seem superior to each other

Oh yeah, artful stuff, such as Steven Universe and Star vs the Forces of Evil. Truly ground-breaking pieces of artwork. The truth is that women are lazy and only go for shallow things like children's cartoons.

Because they are more intelligent than you. To even get into philosophy you need to take life seriously like an aspie autismo.

they fucking are and i can prove it

They aren't and you're a retard if you think that's actually true.
HOWEVER women do have a disadvantage in philosophy overall because throughout history while men were philosophizing they forced women to stay at home scrubbing the floor, raising the kids, cooking food etc. Women in general have not had an equal chance to participate in or contribute to philosophy until very recently in history. Like literally the past 50 years.

>Oh yeah, artful stuff, such as Steven Universe and Star vs the Forces of Evil.
I wish there were girls like that around me.

>women were unable to think while doing house chores
Holy cope.

>he thinks Philosophy is "thinking"
lmao congrats you just outed yourself as a dumbass who has no idea what he's talking about.

since you clearly have never even taken a Philo 101 course or even sat through a 12 minute youtube video about philosophy since your adhd is so bad I'll give you a hint.
People who actually study and contribute to philosophical discourse don't just sit around and think. They spent a shit ton of time researching, conducting thought experiments, writing dissertations and logic flows, and discussing/debating these ideas with their peers in an academic setting. It's literally a science.

You are literally such a fucking brainlet if you think that philosphy is just someone sitting there thinking for a few minutes about something they think is profound, then posting it to an anonymous imageboard and going "they just don't get it" when people shit on them.

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>can't even save a picture right on Any Forums
>calls other people dumbasses

This is what Narcissist rage looks like ppl

>tries to defend his knowledge of philosophy by propping up the most blatant strawman fallacy

You gotta be trolling me, I'm almost impressed to be honest

>Philosophers think they are scientists
Stop getting high off your own farts and those "fellow academics". Philosophy is literally thinking.

Nope, if you can't even operate a website that was designed by a 13 year old then you're clearly a retard who shouldn't be taken seriously

Aspies are far smarter than you, you're the retard for going through the motions in life without questioning a thing.
Aspies are the ones who actually change this world for the better, and dumb fags like you are the ones holding us back.

>Aspies are the ones who actually change this world for the better
You can't even make a phone call without breaking down. Fuck off.

>hurr durr i may sit on my worthless ass all day and do nothing but at least i can use Any Forums

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some are, but it just involves rationalizing their own instincts and feelings which are completely separate to mens

>artful stuff
Copim overdose, modern women are some of the least aesthetic creatures to ever disgrace the planet.

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Get the fuck out of my sunlight.

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What sort of philosophical thought do you engage in?
>should I eat tendies or hot pocket today