1 week only watching gay porn

I have officially graduated from 1 week of only watching gay porn.

Conclusion: 1 week is not long enough to make you gayer. But it has made me incredibly horny.

Should I continue my experiment?

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sir conventional gay porn sucks donkey dicks
t. actual homo.

it really does. that's why basically everything I've watched was amateur shit.

real life gay porn is disgusting, hentai looks good

>1 week only watching gay porn
bruh just go out and suck some cock, you can't really be sure unless you try it in real life

stellar advice, for real.
OP, unless you love the idea of ingesting a man's cum, or even a cute boy's cum, you're pretty much not gay.

I have the big shy and I don't want to get AIDS or murdered by a rando on grindr.

But this was specifically an experiment on media consumption effecting sexuality.

user just come suck my dick bro

But this was to see if gay porn could make me want that more.

I am slightly gay but it's mostly for femboys.

those are good things to worry about.
well best luck to you in your experiment.

OP, if it works out lmk. I'm tired of women and I need an outlet so that I don't go out and Elliot Rodger.

Then Me and you gonna be like this

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I wish I was gay, everyone always thought I was gay in high school and people probably still do because I'm kind of effeminate. I only like really girly twinks but those don't exist in real life, maybe I shall try your experiment to like more masculine males.

This is disgusting? orginalyy

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If highly likely you like masculine men, just not out on the street. I am mostly the same. If I imagine a dude naked it gets me horny, but just looking at a dude does nothing.

it's really about if you can wrap your head around being even PG romantic with a guy.
Like yeah sex is great but can you imagine holding hands with him in the park or something?

Just let me fuck y'all

As long as I look cute then yeah I can easily imagine it. The guy can look normal. But if I have a beard or short hair I would probably think Im gross. Anime has probably fucked me up.

I would be gay but then I'd get aids of shit on my dick or a prolapsed anus

Be my cute bf user

just don't be a slut, and take protective measures like
>exclusive monogamy
>getting mutual tests for diseases
>wearing a fucking rubber when you're in the early stages of a relationship
>consider PreP
>consider a fuckin enema/douche you filthy animal
God damn don't be so retarded.