Your 5 biggest mastery champs

>your 5 biggest mastery champs
>mbti type

ill go first


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game for childen, grow up

>judging people BASED on their gaming taste

grow up

absolute baby

what is this newfag shit

i made the same thread in 2018

try harder next time

I don't play League so I'll use LoR

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This is my fifth account. Others got zogged.

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Another one coming through.

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it's been a minute since i played league

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myerbriggs is a disgusting meme

I am high neuroticism cluster B anti social personality disorder

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I miss my account.

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Who wants to play together?

on euw

I am Russian

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I've been out of this game for 7 months, it feels so good.

>No more constant anxiety
>Can do exercise
>Cook and eat like a normal person
>No screaming and hitting
>My brain is more active and dynamic, and enjoy a variety of experiences and habits
>Better at making decisions and doing tasks
>Can have regular schedule, not staying until 2:00 obsessed over a win, not "fast meals", no heart racing and throbing through my chest

PD: there are three types of person who play this game:
1- Not-yet-addicted who is unaware of how bad things are gonna turn
2- Addicted who knows how harmfull it is to play this game, and yet he is too weak to leave
3- Addicted who is unaware of this hellish psuchological trap

I hate this game so fucking much

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i played several years on and off, always in either normals or aram

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used to be diamond now i only play aram


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Used to main top lane in Season 4 all the way til Irelia got a rework and ruined her. Now I'm a hardstuck gold support main

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I got banned a possibly a perma ban coming after that two week ban so i can't show my mastery

from memory it would be:
Udyr ,Vi ,Warwick, Soraka, Lillia

I end up having new accounts all the time. This is my current account though.

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>game for gays and women
>horoscopes for autists
OP, seems like you have a lethal dose of faggotry.

I literally can't climb out of silver, why one day I go 21/3 and other day I go 3/10? I literally win 10 games in a row and next day I lose 10 games in a row. How the fuck to climb.