Why do liberals celebrate such barbarity...

Why do liberals celebrate such barbarity? I will never "stand with Ukraine" while they have thugs like this in their forces.

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>red voice media
nice try fake news


If Putin doesn't even care about his soldiers lives why should ukrainians? They are lucky they get a chance to beg for their lives.
Vatniks are desperate as usual to pretend they are good guys. Like they havent been killing off civvies since the start.
Liberals aren't saying much on this war either, I've seen more conservative boomers go HELL YEAH UKRAINE GIVE THOSE RUSKIES HELL.
Leftists are quiet because most of em thought soviet union was awesome and now they see russians getting btfo so hard its shocking. Even China is quiet because they can see their own army doctrine in the mirror, getting blasted to pieces.

Overall your post is fake news, and disingenuous as hell.

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Russia does the same
I'm even whataboutisming acts of brutality are part of war, are you just supposed to forgive someone that was trying to kill you moments before they surrendered?

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Cool. Anyways, where was your backbone 20 years ago when America did the exact same thing?

Fuck geopolitics.

>Doesn't post the video
How many cock's did you suck for breakfast this morning OP?

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nice try Piotr, but you won't convince me that Slavic and Chechen scoundrels like you deserve to be spared. as a matter of fact, i wish i could kick your disgusting Eastern guts, you hypocritical commie bastard.

i also you have more luck with the retarded MIGA crowd on Telegram, maybe they'll believe your emotional drivel

forgot to finish my fucking sentence
>i also HOPE you have more luck
in other words, KYS OP

My favourite was the Ukrainian Azov guy who posted a picture of obviously executed POW's on Any Forums and when the mainstream media picked it up, they cropped out the body on the right which was stripped and bound.

Also, be honest - if some dudes fucking invaded your country, you probably would have difficulty showing restraint.

they deserved it for raping heckin wholesome ukrainian children

>Why do liberals celebrate such barbarity?
the dixie chick was a country music duo that lost pretty much the entirety of their fanbase in the south for having a certain opinion, tell me op what was that opinion?

To be fair Ukraine govt said they wouldn't take prisoners or be nice to Russia POWS. Why should I be mad for them keeping their word? Also, Russia has reported in doing far worse.

>where was your backbone 20 years ago when America did the exact same thing?
Bombing terrorists lol.

Muslims are violent regressive monkeys desperately clawing at whatever power is greater than them so that they too can have a chance to form a global superpower. They lost at the start, their countries only sustain themselves with fear of reprisal, their ideology just gives rise to murderous dictatorships. The west tamed fundamental christians to at least accept nonbelievers in the same society. Muslims don't even trust other muslims. Their dictatorships just fuel resentment that explodes at anything. ISIS was an eventuality really, looking back.

Putin just lies constantly, his only future goal is defeating and destabilizing the west. His people are expendable and his country will become north korea soon when the sanctions hit.

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>his country will become north korea soon when the sanctions hit.
Two more weeks.

They didn't like Republicans and shilled for Democrats. It's not really an opinion.

>Iraqi citizens
Go to hell.

>It wasn't posted on a Ukraine-supporting outlet, so it must be fake

either a desperate attempt at samefagging, or a bunch of Russian-paid NPCs invading this thread at the same time.

anyway, go back to Syria, you contrarian cocksucker

>being against the killing innocent Iraqi citizens makes me a Russian shill
[ OK ]

ISIS thugs killed more of their civilians than americans ever did.

but thats ok, when americans accidentally bomb the wrong place its the REAL genocide.
We merely spent billions and attempted to rebuild these countries as a PLOY to cover for our genocide!

When vatniks are caught on camera looting stores, and gunning down an elderly couple its ok, they have the right to because all of america's "warcrimes" validates their own as ok!

I'm not the one going to hell buddy.

I'm only one of the posts. I'm an Azov supporter, so not a Russian shill.

> if some dudes fucking invaded your country, you probably would have difficulty showing restraint.

Wtf are you talking about? How many Ukrainians actually have someone or something to defend? How much stake do men have in that society? Because from my view govt literally just treats them like canon fodder.

Ultimately war is cucked and no matter what you do you'll be defending the harem of some rich Chad.

Better to just walk away from all of it Imo.

ISIS didn't exist 20 years ago. Glow harder in hell.