Why do women hate nice guys?

Why do women hate nice guys?

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we're weak, suck-up energy, anti-fun

imo, the idea of "nice guys" has been fucking berated into the boring fucking idiots that are borderline incels if one more woman rejects them. just fucking, if you don't match up with their energy then just fuck off and find a new woman. what is literally the problem here. but women don't necessarily hate them. it's more just like, stop being fucking boring by thinking 2-dimensionally and actually get a personality

what does that even mean lol, "get a personality", what is that code for? oh wait it means im boring, awkward, and we would both rather be elsewhere

"nice guys" are not usually actually nice. truly nice guys are sometimes pushovers which women don't like at all.

They don't. If you think you're a nice guy, you're probably not. Guys with that mentality fail to understand that women have standards beyond being treated well

sure sure, this is a bit accusatory, but if im here and minding my business it doesnt matter anyway, whether you think im nice or not.

it means that you literally just need to stop thinking about the idea of 'i'm a nice guy so why doesn't she like me?' just fill your time with something else and you will eventually get someone to like you. it's just... no matter who you are, if you just start being NORMAL you will literally get someone bouncing on your dick in no time

"Nice guys" is a reddit meme caricature that women delude themselves into thinking is real so they can hurt good people without feeling bad about it.

Because they love sociopaths

Attached: women like psychos.png (1082x651, 117.45K)

such a pretty lie. does it come in red?

Women are aroused by and attracted to violently sadistic men

Attached: Female Sexuality is Incompatible with Modern Civilization.jpg (825x1650, 1.17M)

Nice guys aren't really nice. They're just like the other men

Nice guys don't exist. It's just a code word females use for males who are short and/or unattractive facially. Females see any action an unattractive male does as an annoyance and a threat.

Being in shape, being interesting, and grooming properly won't make you sexually attractive to females as an unattractive male. They are rejecting males due to their genetic traits (facial features, height, dick size).

>get a personality
>ew not that one incel
>if you just start being NORMAL
Having an inability to communicate when you have literally ZERO (0) past success is normal, normalcattle.

i like nice guys

This guy is the closest to the truth. You guys are idiots. Nice guys just aren't interesting, it's really that simple. Put yourself in the position of a female and realize that you have borderline limitless options, odds are the men aren't all that particularly special or stand out from guy to guy, if you're talking to her already you're doing something right to have been filtered from the larger group. From there girls will sample going on the occasional date with a "nice guy" because it feels wholesome and they enjoy the dopamine fix they get from imagining a romantic week or two, followed by meeting 'the one'. But ultimately they know what they're doing to themselves. They disappoint themselves with their own unrealistic expectations, ghost, find some random dude who is more detached and more of a fuckboy, have a fling, deliberately get themselves hurt, and then repeat the cycle. Women don't hate nice guys, they hate being bored. Aside from the rare psychopath, most women aren't going to be content to meet the first guy they can push over and manipulate and "keep". There's nothing there to hold their intrigue any longer once they know they can make you dance like a puppet.

>Why do women hate nice guys?
Women want "charming". Think of what a "charming" man is: confident, attractive, the center of attention, polite, courteous - driven by a sense of purpose.
Of course, there are women fucking broke, do-nothing jailbirds. What's at play there could be low self esteem - he might be the first dude in a while willing to find her attractive enough to show her a good time in bed, or maybe she gets off on disobeying her parents. In any event, he's not getting laid because he's a simp, that's for sure.

>just acting nice so you can get something
how to spot these guys?

Nice guys don't display violence, which is what women reward.

>pretends nice guys are actually evil as to give women the moral high ground
>in truth women sexually select for evil man from the get go

Attached: women favorite personality.png (628x499, 42.21K)

Ignore anything women say on the subject as it's simply the conjurations of woman-brain.

The reason is because Nice Guys fill the role of the gay best friend. A non-threatening male with no sexual or romantic interest in them. It doesn't matter how blatantly straight the Nice Guy is and how obvious his feelings are. She is not interested in him sexually, thus to her he is a non-sexual and non-romantic being that is at her disposal. To break the illusion by stating feelings is highly disgusting to them and they realize that the person was partially only that way with them out of attraction.

If the Nice Guy was hot and charismatic than the woman would read them as the advances that they are. However, hot and charismatic men are never Nice Guys.

The reason Nice Guys are infamous for going crazy is because they too were delusional and thought the tactic would actually work. They go nuts because they spent a significant amount of time and energy into a woman they now have zero chance to get and are suddenly made out to be the bad guy because they broke protocol.

because they're evil, or in another way of saying, they're much more "blind" than men

They like nice men who are attractive. Only issue is, attractive guys tend to be jerks

The truth is that women just like traits that nice guys usually dont have but dicks do (confidence, dominance and so on). They would rather have the abusive Chad who has some traits they like over the nice guy who doesn't. Everyone who says shit like "nice guys usually just arent nice" is a clueless moron.

>However, hot and charismatic men are never Nice Guys.
How would you know that?

>stop thinking about the idea of 'i'm a nice guy so why doesn't she like me?'
>fill your time with something else
>start being NORMAL
Can you answer the question properly instead of the usual vague bullshit? We do not spend our time perpetually thinking about le "nice guy" meme. What are you even saying.

We do fill our time. We play video games. We get into the lore of different fantasy worlds. We talk about "sociology", politics, events and different topics over the internet, we make jokes, albeit inside jokes. We enjoy these things, they are not boring to us. What are you trying to say exactly? Women don't like these things? Women find them boring? So what should we be doing? Trying to get into the same interests as other people?

We can't exactly go clubbing. Some nerd with unfashionable hair and clothing who does not share the same taste in music goes to a club, alone. Then what? Women start twerking in his face and the nerd says "he.. hey.... I'd like to take you out tomorrow, how about it... huh?" That's not the real world. It might be easy for you with your lifelong experience socializing, but for us, it is not happening. Try to at least fucking think about your answer.

What am I supposed to do exactly? What literal actions do I undertake?

What a bunch of bullshit, keep defending it