Black bros... how are we going to recover?

black bros... how are we going to recover?

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I think 2022 might be the true white boy summer

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Niggers will always blame everyone and everything except for themselves.

cuz its true nigga fr fr no cap no lie finnessed these mofos like that ay finna spit no lie on god THE TRUTH

The comments are as hilarious as the video

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brehs, they literally love racism

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i do not like this racial fetishism stuff



>listening to video
>he actually says sir and please to a guy calling him a nigger

just finished it. i cannot believe that black women hate black men so much they'll side with an obvious white supremacist over a black man, lmao

absolutely brutal hiroshima nagasaki JBW blackpill

Well that's because you're a deathnic and you don't like being reminded of your place user

what's the difference between divestors and swirlers here?

>white guy calls all black people low iq and animals
>black people in the comments are still agreeing with him

Black bros why is there so much self hate in the African American community. I never see this type of negative self talk and demoralization in other races.

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self aware blacks are few and far between.

>A bunch of femcel feminist with cartoon avis and larping white supremacist say black menz bad

News flash retard, every race of feminist hate their race's men lol

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its not just feminists that hate their own men. why do you think JBW is a thing.

>its not just feminists that hate their own men.

>why do you think JBW is a thing.

That is not a thing outside of incel forums

Simple, fuck white women. Black girls know we aren't interested in raising their kids but there are always new stupid white teenagers looking for a masculine nigger to make their daddies mad. BBC helps too.

>That is not a thing outside of incel forums
its literally a thing everywhere, and what has shaped the entire entertainment industry. and its been a thing for hundreds if not thousands of years.

That webm is a man though