What is it like to have a sister...

What is it like to have a sister? A lot of people seem to hate theirs but there must be some who actually like their sisters

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I fucking hate my sisteR
She wears my clothes
So annoying

that sounds cute though, unless you're a woman, but there are no women on r9k

when we were kids my sister bullied me all the time, i have a few scars on my face from when she used her nails. when we were older my sister threw parties and didn't invite me because i was a weirdo and she was popular. now my sister is married and is inheriting the family farm while i'll inherit a little money. She's gone completely into the woke cult and kicked me out of her house last time I visited because I said that fetuses are humans and abortion is murder. She also doesn't let our mother see her kids.

Abortion is 100% murder and they are fucked in the head for thinking otherwise.
Someday a real rain will come user...

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shit, do i get to say my body my choice when i use it to mow down a school full of children in minecraft?

I don't know. I honestly never/don't interact with her much.

she lives with my mother and never leaves the house, she doesn't have any friends even on ther internet. all she does is just consume social media, cry over smallest things and scream whenever you try to talk about her lifestyle with her. I hate how week she is. she is 23 and has been like this for the last 3 years

you gotta get her a man. your mother is doing an oedipal complex on her.

hey user, is your sister perchance single?

What's it like? It's like having a sister, ig. Gonna need to be specific

Who molested her? You? Sick fuck

i love both of my sisters, but we've all been through some traumatic shit, so it's hard to actually show it sometimes.

my oldest sister takes care of me, sometimes letting me eat her snacks and talks a lot about her life. my other sister is my favourite because of how close we were during our childhood. they both have their flaws though, and there's still a lot of wounds from the past, detailing bitter hatred for eachother at a point.

it's kinda sad. my favourite sister won't really speak to me anymore, probably because me and her bf don't get a long too well, and the oldest one always instinctively keeps her distance because of our history. it is what it is. i still love them regardless

My sister once told me that when I was four (she was seven years older than me) she would regularly chase me around our big backyard with a kitchen knife. She relayed this story like it was a normal family dynamic and a cute funny story. I ran away and have not spoken to anyone for almost seven years now. I carry a pocket knife everywhere in case my family ever finds me and so help me god I will not hesitate to fucking use it if they take one step in my direction, I'll take an assault charge. They're all lucky I didn't burn the house down with all of them inside when I was a teenager.

it's hard to tell whether your sister made you this way, or if everyone in your family is a little too stab happy.

>Whats it like to have a sister?

Well for me personally, my sisters were amazing. Still are. They help hold me steady in times of dire need.

Don't necessarily hate her, but I also don't like her that much. She's a bit of a roastie, while I'm a bitter incel. We're the same height and similar looking facially, yet our lives are so fucking different. All because I have a penis and she doesn't

I have a INFJ sister, I thank god everyday she didn't turn out a roastie illogical slut and is actually pretty chill with her big bro being a loser and all.

It's fun but I've stopped talking to her after she went hardcore leftist. She made the last couple years of time with my parents miserable since I couldn't eat with her at the table
She for some reason saw me as the only person she could argue with, and would make the worst arguements you've ever seen
Before that though we were close, and liked to play fight (much younger), watch TV together, and just talk about shit

I have a fraternal twin. She is smart and funny. We both make jokes occasionally about dating. One time, we went to the zoo and held hands.

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My little sister is super cool. We have a great relationship and a lot of inside jokes. I wanna kill myself anyway