To Women

To Women,

I resent you for the term "mansplaining". Now every time you get insecure about your intelligence for not understanding things you think it's my fault. You have no idea how much lower my opinion of you gets when you do that.


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It's crazy how you can consistently make these threads daily and rarely have to repeat yourself. Women fucking suck and I've known this for a long time, but these threads you post really have made me think how about HOW MUCH they suck.
Women's rights were an absolute mistake.

kawaii neko

omg I was in the other thread talking about a list I made t become a better woman

Women today are fucking awful and refuse to acknowledge it, and beauracrats in schools, publishing and FAANGMAN try to enforce misandry from the top down and keep people from expressing boundaries and disapproval of it with coercion and threats or literal censorship. Overwhelming unethical and hamfisted social engineering is the only reason this hasn't been brought up sooner, and it's also the reason the blackpill exists instead of the red pill, or traditional romance. Western women today are an embarrassment and owe us all a major apology.
Hai, neko ga kawaii desu.

> omg I was in the other thread talking about a list I made t become a better woman
Hi again.

Eh.. to, neko ni shashin wa kawaii desu.

I didn't think you actually made the list already.

adding to this the term "gaslighting"

what vague shit.

same thing with "gaslighting". just a dumb feminist word.

That's why I just ramble on about topics so obscure the woman realizes I'm autistic and leaves me tf alone.

I automatically read this in my head with an extremely effeminate voice and it greatly improved my day. ty

i dont know this word

it's not stupid, it's just a tool to make establishing boundaries against female bad behavior a taboo. it's garbed in sanctimonious feminist garbage, but it's basically just a tool in an ideology that asserts itself as a moral authority and that all methods to enforce that authority against a group of undesirables are valid. It doesn't need to mean anything, it's a buzzword an a coercion method.
Well that's its own can of worms if you still have to work in an environment with women in it.
Good for you. You probably know the effects of its use in modern discourse, you just never realized it. Women stereotype men as explaining things too much and argue that it's actually misogyney because they don't respect a woman's intelligence, and that explaining a fact is a demonstration of overbearing masculinity upon them. What it means in practice is that women act like an obnoxious brat when you talk about something boring to them and feel justified being disrespectful about it. Go figure really. This is the nature of their struggles in life on easy mode.

yeah i don't really know any women, or have friends
i don't get to see much of 'modern discourse' outside of this place, and i usually expect this place to not represent the real world. i would hope people dont run around shouting bait all the time

>I resent you for the term "mansplaining"
ive actually heard that term used in the wild (ie not on Any Forums, tumblr, ribbit, twatter) for the first time in my life yesterday; i was baffled. i cant believe grown people who want to be seriously resort to using such a dumb buzzword outside of internet cesspools

>owe us a major apology
I owe nothing to moids, fuck off. You all hate and hurt us for centuries and expect flowers and praise for that?

All women shallow feminist rhetoric but never think about it, if you question them the cracks show.
> t. A guy that debated women on feminism to annoy them at work.

And you don't that? In fact, this shit is just proof that you wanted to do the same, you just didn't have the power before.

i mean like i said i don't really know anything about that

>Well that's its own can of worms
Like what, for example?
Genuinely curious, because whenever I do this people just write me off as eccentric or whatever. Its never had any sort of negative repercussions, at least so far.

I've known feminists and non-feminist women. tried going to a dnd session run by a woman, second game she starts complaining about how all her searches for "female orcs" were too sexist and racist. This post was motivated by conversations i've had in real life, not on the internet.
that's life now. it's certainly my life too.
>You all hate and hurt us for centuries
You are a deluded moron coping with a victimhood narrative that was never true and that you never experienced, and women from these times you claim victimhood over would universally revile you for being abhorrent and malformed.
Npc's parrot stuff they randomly hear and see from their phone.
>Its never had any sort of negative repercussions, at least so far.
Well maybe you know better than me then friend.