Roasties. Do you secretly get a kick out of reading r/femaledatingstrategy? Knowing you have this power over men

Roasties. Do you secretly get a kick out of reading r/femaledatingstrategy? Knowing you have this power over men.

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Women are just a walking target. You only fail if you miss.

>power over men
What power? They're all past their "prime", if you can even call it that.

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The only reason that sub exists is because the users are frustrated that men won't take them seriously so they think the solution is reading self help shit and being misandrists rather than losing weight, being more feminine, and lying about their bodycount which is what would actually get them results

>Power over weak men
Women have no power over chads and guys who don't care about women

As a man with a femdom and submissive fetish, it turns me on reading and interacting with FDS.

Reading FDS and CC is apart of my volcel regimen. Great thing about the internet is people can put their actual real thoughts down without repercussion. What goes on in the female brain is repulsive.

>implying i have any power over men
when did that happen?

Not that I'm some redditor, but they disbanded incel reddits there, right? If so, isn't FDS just as bad as incel ideology? Why, then, are they still around?

This desu

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Reddit explicitly has a rule that allows hate forums as long as they're directed towards straight white males. No I'm not exaggerating, no this isn't a joke.

Post a screen cap of that rule then retard

I just spent maybe 15 minutes reading the highest upvoted posts there, and 80% of them seemed to just be highlighting shitty things that men did like rape or assault and shit like that. I thought that was fair but then a lot of it is also devoted to bitching about how men prefer women in their 20's who are still youthful and pretty, that seemed just bitter.
No one called for any murders so over all I still think that place is better than here kek

>how to min-max Kirby's Dream Land

Because FDS isn't misogynistic.
It's opportunistic at times though.

What's a real tragedy is that they closed AskTruFemcels, that was actually an interesting board with often good discourse.

Isnt the point that you don't have power over men if they aren't sexually attracted to you? i dunno. i've only peripherally observed their content.

Nta but there's literally zero debating against that point. Reddit is anti male. Not just anti incel or anti red pill or anti toxic masculinity or pro feminism or pro fds etc. the only way you could not believe reddit hates men is by not ever having used the site or being a woman ie being someone who excuses all misandry and discounts it to avoid recognizing that they're the bad guy.

You sure have a fragile ego.
The vast majority of users are still men and I don't feel threatened by reddit at all. Why would I?
Closing extremist subs is perfectly fine and a good idea.

>rather than losing weight, being more feminine, and lying about their bodycount
you forgot: and being 20 years younger
that might help

It just seems to be some big cope for low value women to project their grievances onto men. They have a choice to make themselves into more desirable mates and instead of working out, eating better, and being better people then complain that men are the problem.

It is basically female inceldom where victimhood is worshipped.

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>Reddit is anti male.

No, Reddit is anti white male.

The wall is a scientific fact

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It's also a crackling hive of cognitive dissonance with women facing the negative consequences of embracing feminist ideology and rejecting traditional family structures. They thought they could ride the cock carousel into their 40's and some millionaire model would walk into their lives and marry them and it's just not happening because it was all a lie. However feminism and the bullshit they were sold is such a core part of their identities that they can't let go of it or consider being wrong. So when they are strictly forbidden from considering that their ideology was wrong they invent all kinds of insane mental gymnastics to justify why they are over 30 and childless with no prospects. Traditional marriage existed for a reason because it created families and stability. It was a fair exchange-men get access to sex and fertile women and women get access to male protection and production to raise their kids. Was it a perfect system? No. But feminism wanted to destroy all of that and now the women are reaping the rewards of the lies of feminism by dying alone.

FDS reminds me of some kind of circle of hell where the damned howl into the void eternally as they were unable to reach enlightenment in life and in death and the only comfort they can gain is the presence of other miserable souls.

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