Can we get a BPD story thread?

Can we get a BPD story thread?

>24 y.o. sister with BPD
>extremely hypersexual
>got pregnant at the age of 15 caused by a one night stand and got a retarded kid (severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy)
>shortly after made another kid with another guy, thankfully turned out healthy
>after all the praise for being a mother has worn off, she wasn't interested in her own kids anymore
>gave one kid to the father she broke up with and the retarded kid to our already sick mother, which after a few years of care had to give the kid to a childrens home
>tortures my mom by guilt-tripping her and threatening suicide for resources (money, food, driving around)
>somehow almost always managed to get chad bfs. One punched her in the face when she physically attacked him
>one ex-bf I am friends with told me she almost destroyed his life and sanity
>her current bf is a chad and also one of the most respectful but naive dudes I've ever met. Probably doesn't know about her past.
It's hard to hate my own sister but she's a fucking demon and would probably be better off dead honestly

Attached: rftzhgj.jpg (600x600, 37.6K)

you could warn the other dudes

All BPD niggers need to be hunted down and killed (in minecraft).

I am considering it but she will definitely do some psycho shit or manipulate her bf

>Can we get a BPD story thread?
Let's talk about the poor innocent npds that create bpds(or I'll kms)

Remember, honey, it's NEVER your fault and EVERYONE is a vile narc.

I'd never seen anything like it until I dated a BPD girl. It was like being held underwater unable to breathe. Unbelievable that people can exist like that in pure anguish and inflict it on others. And then it ended so fast. First she faked her suicide, and then a few days later she actually did it. Good riddance, I had already been emotionally detached months prior.

God i fucking hate bpds. Why don't they just fucking conform to our rules??

>until I dated
Thanks for outing yourself as a larper and a closet homosexual

Thanks for sharing and yeah better her being dead than you.
Disorder or not, my sympathy ends when someone willingly inflicts pain on other people (like family and friends) for personal gain.

>my sympathy ends when someone willingly inflicts pain on other people (like family and friends) for personal gain
Same here. I can't stand when bpds do that. Only us npds should be able to inflict pain on ppl and they should learn to love it. And when we do it it's so passive aggressive that these dumbass losers don't even realize how bad were fucking them over.

Didn't you read the part where I wrote disorder or not

Yep, classic BPD delusions.

Why do you show up in every thread? Both BPD and NPD are bad. ALL cluster-b pd people are harm causing individuals. BPDs and NPDs are only one trait away from each other. They are cousins.

>BPDs and NPDs are only one trait away from each other
Which trait? God I hate bpds

He's a BPD schizo with a persecution complex who genuinely believes everyone is an NPD and out to get him.

>Yep, classic BPD delusions
No shit. How dumb are they. They need to take the abuse and love it

>Why do you show up in every thread
Are you the inapropriate Jannie that's stalking me?

>persecution complex
Kinda like an incel? Are all incels bpd?

Same, i tried to break up with one for almost a year but she just kept guilt tripping me saying she'd kill herself

I hope all bpds fucking die

How do you spot a BPD? What are the early red flags?