You accept conservative views not because you actually thought things through and believe them...

You accept conservative views not because you actually thought things through and believe them, but instead because your peers who rejected you seem to be more liberal leaning as a general tendency so you found comfort in other people rejected by almost everyone else

Isn't that right, user?

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I don't accept conservative views.

I became a national socialist because I looked at the data and every time something I hate is happening it's the same people doing it. Every time, without fail, there has literally not been one exception in 11 years.

Wrong. My parents brainwashed me

The real problem I have with conservatives is the most conservatives are rino's. They're likely a special interest group elective like a mormon you know mitt romney. I'd almost vote biden over romney that's like there should be a poll option to not elect anyone because these people are so horrible nobody should be elected.

>you were a rejected social outcast so you became a nazi
>those who reject you are always in the right
I;m not a politcal person but gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

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Nice try fag. Im an omniliberal.

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>stupid kids on a hentai forum
Racist, you mean to say racist. These slugs aren't the slightest bit political outside of posting edgy extremism to other dimwitted slugs.

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Seriously I'll turn in my conservative card the day romney gets elected as candidate here.

Nah, it's more that I used to be considered a liberal/progressive, but the overton window has shifted so much that now I must be some sort of a Neo-Nazi. The things that are genuinely discussed and acted upon now are to the point where they were genuine satire even just ten years ago.

Imagine belonging to a political club and then telling other incels about it on the internet. Yikes

All my peers are religious conservatives

no i just dont like dark skins and gays

I'm actually a communist so suck shit.

I despise lefties. They drive up taxes on everything. Most states don't even have a state tax, you pay a VAT or value added tax on your goods as most europeans would understand it, then if you're state sucks you pay a VAT and a state tax. This is all funded to people that sit around and do nothing. Everything you spend gets added to their fund. They hate you, no matter what political spectrum you are and constantly increase this cost of living and fuck you over. Libtards pretend as if it's a cost of living to fund things, when really they're demanding more shadow budgets and money getting sucked into war. If you give half a shit about where people are funneling the money they steal from you, you'll be labeled a conservative, even though all that money will go to a committee of liberals. Or rino's, and their day to day business is like romney where they buy up a business strip the assets from it, sell off the realistic assets, then sell the company and lay off everyone. You're an evil conservative to own tools or machinery and be able to craft anything, or speak out about taxes. I really hope you commie bastards eat a bullet, I'm in favor of gun ownership. I hope you really take advantage of it and eat a bullet.

Yikes. Get back to pol you fat faggit

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I don't care about politics. I just want to chill out man but no since im a loser I HAVE TO develop a deep complex ideology about whatever the fuck. I have to support whatever cause is the monthly cause to support. At the end of the day the only real political belief I have is that I hate women and think they should be in cages.

You got something to say to me you feel like you can say there that you can't here?
You could say it here, except you're a fucking retard. You need to hide behind a veil of meme posters with shitty memes because you're not funny. Nobody likes you.You could just say it but you won't because you're a bitch and gay.

I gotta agree with the porn posting retard . I've met conservatives irl and they're very respectable, normal people. The idiots here aren't conservative. Just a bunch of chinless, skinnyfat, contrarian losers.

>You could say it here, except you're a fucking retard

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r.i.p GM

>why won't groupthink give me more (you)'s it's like everything I said sucks and this person I disagree with is the only person that replies
>i know it's you, if I pretend I'm not retarded whatever retarded things I say roll off me and bounce onto you
>you're the retarded speech person then