How to stop being lazy, cowardly, disorganized, tired, noncommital and demotivated?

how to stop being lazy, cowardly, disorganized, tired, noncommital and demotivated?

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fIesruoy eb tsuJ

Ever consider that is your best self?

take some amphetamine

that. Being lazy, cowardly, disorganized, tired, noncommital and demotivated are all aspects that make you, you. If you can never make peace with being yourself then you should ope cause its it can only get worse.

Idk user. Maybe its hardwired into brain from childhood.

take some estrogene and a rope

take female hormoens and be an artist

those are feminine yet artsy traits

dont get me wrong u need to put in time to practice but its not as gruelling as a normal job

Also therapy doesnt seem to work at all. Im forgetful of why i do things and find it difficult to communicate.
Off topic but the female therapist seems completely removed from understanding my thought process. "Just approach people lmao" tried failed.


Just get up and start doing shit.
It really is that easy. Do it long enough it becomes established habit and it basically does itself.
Just have to work up the energy to not be pathetic consistently without fail for about a month straight.

>Just have to work up the energy to not be pathetic consistently without fail for about a month straight.

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Look into autism burnout and see if you relate. You might need a break. Otherwise I guess just start small. Don't kill yourself with self-criticism. Make a to do list and be satisfied if you complete a percentage of the items that you define in advance rather than getting butthurt over not being perfect. Could be depression or something too idk.
Why would taking hormones be a sane idea, you pinkpilling abomination? Women and men aren't that sexually dimorphous. "Feminine" traits in men naturally occur and are not indicative of something that needs to be "cured" by posing as a bitch.

Also do some minimal exercise. Really helps mood.

Sucks to suck but that is the bare minimum barrier to life. Wash out like the rest or join the herd as your capabilities and attitude merit.

yeah, thats the problem. How do you do that ?
>you need to gain energy to fix yourself
>you need to fix yourself to gain energy.

Lift. Get people to hold you accountable until you a responsible enough to hold yourself accountable.

So are you new or something?

By being hardworking, brave, organised, plan well in advance to account for rest, and sticking to your promises. As for motivation, if you want it enough, you'll do it.

You don't need any energy, you just need to show up. There are so many days where I don't want to do anything on my list and I just want to go home and sleep. That's when I tell myself "you don't have to do anything, you just have to show up" I.E. get ready to do something and just begin the process.

that's called discipline. Something we robots never had. Discipline is also genetic, I know from my and my father's experience. My father was in army and performed well, but once he got out he became same slob I'm now.

>Discipline is also genetic
Could it also be taught in childhood in your opinion?

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Bullshit. Neither of my parents ever had discipline, and I just got it recently. It's a skill based on self-talk and practice. There are many ways to build it and everybody's path is different, but it's absolutely not hardwired.

genetic determinism. your genes ordained you to be a lazy coward who is always disorganized, tired, that can't commit to anything, and can never find motivation to self improov.

Not taught, enforced, my father was taught discipline by his father and military on top but still is a slob, my mother tried to enforce discipline on me but me being a piece of shit just would not butch, sure I do clean my hands after using the toilet and eat with my mouth closed so it did work somewhat but its still not good enough. We are adults now though, so what happens to us ?