14 pieces of fried chicken and fries for only 19.99 polish zloty ($4.79)

14 pieces of fried chicken and fries for only 19.99 polish zloty ($4.79)

What a steal!

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God I wish some fried chicken was fucking my mouth right now

i wouldn't trust chicken that cheap, you're probably eating 14 pieces of ukranian

Whats Poland like?

That's over 4000 calories, fatass

2 dychy za jeden obiad ? Albo jestes zydem i masz sporo kasy albo debilem i marnujesz pieniadze.

>2 dychy to duzo
trzeba bylo sie uczyc to bys zarabial

piepszony zyd, wlasnie dlatego nikt was nigdzie niechce.

gdzie ty mieszkasz? u mnie to na wynos kosztuje z 35 lol
pragne smierci

Crazy how I can understand this nigger, even though I've never learned a word of Polish.

to jest promocja w kazdy wtorek

Isn't that like a month's pay in Poland tho

I was in Warszawa a couple of years ago (2014) and their KFC menu was heavily overpriced.
At least I could buy alcohol while being 16 but still most fast food places were overpriced.

When I say I could buy alcohol at 16 I mean that they didn't check my ID and not that it was legal to buy

Czego ty jesz takie gowno jak mama by ci zrobila kanapke?

yooo if you can find some queso dip heat up the dip and smother the chicken in it its fire

I'll be eating some nice hot wings a bit over an hour from now num num num num mmmm good feel.

I fucking hate living in England because all of our fast food prices are pumped up and taxed with insane rates.

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God shut the fuck up zoomy

Wtf Im 32 nigga, try the recipe u will not be disappointed

OP's Polish, not Russian.