I'm so sad. woke up feeling like complete garbage. wish i was a real person with a real life

i'm so sad. woke up feeling like complete garbage. wish i was a real person with a real life

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I can save you. Give me thine hand!

I like the stench which comes out of my dirty room and the smell I get from myself.
Feels good to not be normal

I feel great today, I worked out, had a healthy meal, and now I'm here trying to get other people to nurture the light that resides within them, although when I woke up today I was feeling pretty down.
I'll try sending you some of my energy in the hopes that it will improve your day, focus on that warm feeling in your chest, you'll know when the light starts flowing.

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To add to this, join me in listening to this playlist YouTube made for me, I'm bringing you into the light with me whether or not you want it.

i wish that was true user
but do you like being lonely and forgotten and disappointing?
happy for you, but i don't knownif here is the best place to go on a good day. i'm not feeling anything in my chest but maybe there's a delay from the distance. waiting on your energy!

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That link didn't work right.

I was feeling good today but then a thought train led me to think about what other people my age are doing, travelling, enjoying their lives etc and now I feel bad

I wish I could just be 18-25 eternally and never worry about getting older or comparing myself to others

Just cope with alcohol
it won't get better with it but it sure makes some days of the week feel less boring at the very least.

Yeah and I woke up now at 3:30 pm feeling like shit because I was already drunk on monday. Im barely able to comprehend where I am everything just hurts

i cant drink alone anymore it always makes me feel horrible at best and relapse at worst
that's exactly how i feel. hope we both get over this
not to be mean but this music isnt great
are you a neet? to be able to get up at 3:30 pm and drink on mondays

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This Thread sucks.
and you will be banned for avaposting.

>not to be mean but this music isnt great
It's just mindless rap, lose yourself in the nice beats or don't, still hoping your mood improves either way.

>i cant drink alone anymore
Why? Is your liver already failing or what

>hope we both get over this

never user, I've felt like this for 5 years now
it will never end, ever
I will always be an outcast loser

>but do you like being lonely and forgotten and disappointing?
I have made friends and discarded them over and over again.
Mainly in 2019 and again in the spring of 2020. I'm not lonely I'm okay with being alone.
Nobody misses me and probably remembers me.
Too much to expect anyway. I didn't have any contacts for a while.
I have no clue how much of a disappointment i am.
I am one, but there is nobody to disappoint at this point in time anyway.

Yes Im a neet. I have to stop drinking tho Im only 21 but I can feel my organs slowly failing, the hangovers are getting horrible

Mental health issues because of alcohol mostly take an effect once you hit 30.

i'm not posting only jahy, just tan anime girls. that's not avatarposting i don't think
i like rap, just not this. maybe im being pretentious. thanks user and i hope your mood stays good
i guess its time to change now or never, why don't you start?
>I have made friends and discarded them over and over again.
>Nobody misses me and probably remembers me
i did the same. even when its your own fault you can still feel bad about it though.
>but there is nobody to disappoint at this point in time anyway.
you don't have a mom?
yes you definitely should. maybe try rehab or something like that? you're still young you can turn it around
no, i said it just makes me depressed and oftentimes relapse. not even fun anymore. sucks cause i liked being able to feel happy from it

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go suck on these nuts

whatd i do user

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>i did the same. even when its your own fault you can still feel bad about it though.
I feel bad about it but I also feel nothing at this point because some years passed and they moved on.
Ghosting harms both sides and my punishment is to not make friends anymore.
I can obviously still make contacts but it feels so hollow with strangers again.
>you don't have a mom?
I lie to her and pretend to be okay and not the one I actually am.

damn,you're just like me. i semi ghosted my one friend and when i tried to reconnect, they ended up ghosting me back. felt kinda bad but i know it's deserved.
>my punishment is to not make friends anymore.
same here, i mostly just post here for my social needs, but it doesn't feel real. not sure if that's a positive or negative
>I lie to her and pretend to be okay and not the one I actually am.
are you a neet? just wondering cause that part seems hard to hide. i always hid that stuff too and when it got bad enough that tried to talk with her about it, she didn't take me seriously. so i don't feel responsible for any further disappointment

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What do you do in your free time?
What games do you play?