Should i get back in touch with my ex

I feel like i kind of did him dirty back then and i want to make up for it but i'm not sure they'd even want to talk to me again

What would you do if your ex just hit you up out of nowhere?

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I would probably orgasms instantly

Hang up
block number

You should kill yourself so I can gouge out the eyes of your corpse and sodomize your lifeless body

>What would you do if your ex just hit you up out of nowhere?

I would jump up and down like an excited little girl.

You'd be doing him a disservice by trying to get back into his life. Text him a long apology, and block him. For both of your sakes.

But i've been feeling extra lonely lately..

Is that a bad reason to do it? I feel like he was the only one to really like me and i messed it up for really stupid reasons

But things are different now i'm different now

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>I feel like i kind of did him dirty back then
elaborate pls

My ex-girlfriend did just that a few months ago after years of not hearing about one another.

Here's how it felt in music form:

I didnt always treat him the best i guess and my heart wasnt all the way in it. I mean that probably sounds bad but it was kind of my first time being liked like that and i didnt really know how to handle it so maybe i was just scared to let myself be loved, idk

You never loved him truly, I suppose. You had been with him only for his attention - typical woman moment. No much more to be said here.

Even if you get back together now it will never be same, you've already ruined it.

>scared to let myself be loved
That's such a feminine way to word things. It uses emotional language in a way that is vague and self-indulgent. It also allows you to portray yourself as a victim even as you are the perpretator: "but you see I am my own biggest victim and this status precedes that of being the offender for both people".

are there any femanons that i can obsess over?

>ruins relationship
>wants attention again because lonely
>me me me me me me
no ounce of self reflection, accountability, or regret. disgusting.

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you would do the same if you had the chance

You're the girl who was posting about being bad obsessed with another guy and you said you broke up with your ex because you didn't feel you really liked him as much as the other person. So no, don't waste peoples time and get with someone you only "kind of like a little" because you're bored and lonely.

>What would you do if your ex just hit you up out of nowhere?
idk. probably talk to them for a while and wait for them to ghost me again. I am lonely and don't have much going on. They didn't always treat me great but that doesn't mean we can't be friends.

>What would you do if your ex just hit you up out of nowhere?
Talk to her and dodge any attempt at getting back together.

Also, you can't "make up for it". That's not how real life works when you do someone dirty in a relationship.

This actually happened to me. My ex contacted me recently, apparently her new relationship isn't going anywhere. A real "will they won't they" situation.

It's really unusual because I was the one who kicked her out in one of those crushing scenes. What was she to do? Where was she to go? She was out on her fanny.

What happened that made him your ex

Yes to give him closure at the minimum. Who knows, he might take you back. A girl I met here ghosted me in pretty brutal fashion. If she came back, cut the bullshit, and just talked to me honestly for once I think that would do a lot of good. Don't be a coward op, do the right thing for the both of you.

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