Elden ring is fucking shit. I beat rahdan and now I cant beat a single fucking boss after him...

Elden ring is fucking shit. I beat rahdan and now I cant beat a single fucking boss after him. I killed that dragon on the bridge and thats it. This game is way too fucking hard, im nearly level 80 and getting one shot by putrid avatar and black kindred while doing next to no damage to them. It was fun up until this point, now it just seems unfair and its not even fun to play anymore. Seriously, fuck this game, I regret wasting 90$ on it now. All that time put in to play through this far into the game and level my character up, and now im just getting fucking one shot by bosses with bullshit delayed attacks, hyper speed combos and tracking which make it fucking impossible to dodge their hits. I heard the bosses just get even more stupidly hard after this too in the next area, honestly im thinking of just uninstalling this shitty fucking game and never playing it again

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Level up vit and upgrade your weapon. I had no issue just using a regular greatsword the whole game.

Get good or use mimic, simple as. Have you ever played a souls game before?

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My vit is 28 and I have a +5 bloodhound blade. This shit is honestly fucking stupid. I thought I was doing good, beat rahdan in like 6 tries. It seems like melee is punished in this game and being a faggot wizard magic player is rewarded
No, first one.




Man, just practice. I'm a str/fth build and most bosses are FUCKING HOLY RESISTANT. I got my Silurias tree to +10 for fucking nothing as I'm stuck on Maliketh now. I'm thinking of respeccing into dex bleed faggot to get my cool ending easy mode and then I'll go Frenzied Flame next to get my madness PvP going.

>28 vit at level 80
You should have at least 40 by then. Focus on vit not weapon scaling, then grab lots of upgrade materials, you'll do more damage and have more health. I'm sure you can get up to at least +8 in everything pre mountain top of giants

I do think I fucked my build up. Can you help a nigga out? I can respec. I do melee with bloodhounds blade but I think I put too much into strength and other unnecessary stats, and I need somber smithing stones to upgrade my weapon. This is my first souls game and my first character so I didnt really know how to build. I like playing melee and prefer rolling over shield, I can tell you my stats and perhaps you can tell me how to fix it to scale with my play style? I dont use magic at all either. I dont want to have to grind 12 levels just to get to a point where im not being one shotted this late in the game. If it was earlier it would have been a different story but it takes like 35,000 runes to level up now so it will take forever to fix this problem

My friend was a melee build before respecing and was threeshotting bosses for a while after Radahn
Magic has its own setbacks like immobility and relying on FP for attacks
Basically just git gud faggot learn how to break the game like everybody else does
I think Maliketh was really weak to black flame, either get the godslayer sword or get some of Gideon's blackflame incantations

If you think this game is hard
Dont ever touch sekiro

don't you want to know who shattered the Elden Ring? or what R = M means? plus there are some fun fights in Crumbling Farum Azula and the capital of ash

Idk what to do. Maybe I should try to find new weapons. Ive been using this bloodhound blade for the majority of the game but it seems limited because you cant use any incantations or ashes of war on it besides the one it came with. It is still my strongest weapon though so I just stuck with it until now.

Also, how the fuck do you learn what bosses are weak to what? Just look online or is there some way the game lets you know? Maybe im too much of a brainlet, these crazy effective builds
feel too complicated for me

Wasnt it that whore ranni? It seems like it because of what I found in that sorcerers study tower

she had a hand in the night of the black knives but that had nothing to do with the Ring, she had her own motives that night

That's good to know, user. Though all the black flame incantations take 10 years to cast and black fireball isn't a guaranteed hit in this fucking parkour dragon bitch, I'll need to get a common weapon to buff it with black flame.
>farum azula fun fights
>dragon near ledge
>fat man and skinny man slapped together
>hooded animal with a big fucking plot twist
You need new definitions of fun.

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Actually you know what, im just gonna explore the new area to the north of liurnia and come back to these two fag bosses later when im stronger. Ill put more into vitality for sure and try to find 6-9 somber smithing stones to make my sword stronger. Add Im sure I can beat putrid avatar now though because I got him down to last 1/4 of his health on multiple occasions but choked each time, so it will just take some patience. I need more endurance too, I have Rahdans full set but can only wear his helmet right now because I dont have enough equip load to handle it all

Fuck this game man, I hate it so much because its so tedious and painstaking but its so good and addicting at the same time. I like the challenge but it pisses me off

Dragonlord was legitimately fun user. Maliketh was annoying in the first phase sure but when he pulls out the sword it's basically Artorias man what's not to love about that?

Like I said I'm mostly a mage build so I dont know much about the ashes of war but I'm pretty confident there's better ones out there. Also give other weapons a shot in general, theres a shit ton so using one you get so early for the whole game is pretty limiting
>Also, how the fuck do you learn what bosses are weak to what?
Its kind of just trial and error. "Weak to" is a bit of an overstatement, mostly its stuff they aren't resistant or immune to. And you can usually make guesses based on their design or lore
For Maliketh I think hes weak to black flame because he has pretty low health but other statuses take longer to build up. Black flame is just one hit for an effect so I noticed it pretty early on
>Though all the black flame incantations take 10 years to cast
Thats why I always use a spirit to take aggro so I can cast kek

It's really easy to Respec in Elden Ring, the giant balls in nokron/nokstella drop them. Just go get your vit up to 40 and put the rest in Dez, str or both. Just search up where to find certain somberstones or go find the bell bearings to buy them. They're easier to find than the regular smithing stones.
>Find new weapons
Only if you're sick of using the same weapon all the time. The weapons that you can change the ashes of war are much harder to upgrade, my greatsword character is lvl 120 and I still have my sword at just +20.
>What bosses are weak to
Doesn't matter, just smack them until they die.

This is literally what you need to do. North Caelid is intended for levels 80+ I'm pretty sure. If you don't have 40 or so VIT you are going to get one shot by everything here.

Ah, I see. I noticed putrid avatar is immune to bleed which is the effect my bloodhound has, so Im thinking of upgrading my great sword and adding ice damage to it to see if that helps. My great sword is +5 as well but does less than my bloodhound of the same level
Ill probably just get those bell bearings desu. Thats what ive been doing though, just smacking shit and hoping for the best. Thats how I beat rahdan, I tried being patient with him by dodging his telegraphed attacks and waiting for openings to punish, but wasnt really getting anywhere. Then I decided to just bumrush him and stay pretty much right underneath him while smacking the shit out of him and I beat him my second try doing that
It shall be done then. Thank you for interacting with me on my rage thread and offering advice

Frostbite has pretty much the same effect as bleed just under a different name so hopefully its still familiar to you
Putrid Avatars are really fucking annoying anyways so you just have to find ways to cheese them. As a mage I just use my giga drill

Use summon ashes
Use ashes of war
Use status effects
Use consumables
Use ranged attacks
Use a shield
Summon other players

Use the tools the game provides

Fighting dragons on foot is boring. His massive health pool aggravated the issue and the location made it even worse. Biting ankles for 10 minutes wasn't fun. Also a lightning wielding dragon just feels wrong after many Souls games.
Maliketh is essentially Radahn. Very epic to look, not epic to fight. Camera fucking sucks and you have to keep it locked because he has different chains while flying. He punishes you for making distance so you have to stay inside his ass the whole fight. Beautiful moves though.

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