I don't understand what the first step towards trying to actually convince a woman to date me is

I don't understand what the first step towards trying to actually convince a woman to date me is.

I just don't know what I should be doing. People say dumb shit like "Put yourself out there" but that doesn't fucking mean anything. I've had so many people tell me to try and find female contacts through friends, but every friend I have is like me.

I just don't know what to do.

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Normies are retarded. "Putting yourself out there" is just code for harassing strangers at bars and doing random activities you're only marginally interested in in the hopes that you'll eventually become friends with someone who has more female contacts than your current social circle. It literally means rebuilding your whole life in the hopes that you might get a gf who may or may not leave you, some day, as an added bonus.

Between that and the total gaslighting on love, where it's the most important thing on earth until you can't get it, the normoids are just incomprehensible to me.

You basically have two choices and then two choices again. You can kill yourself or not. If you kill yourself, you can go now or numb yourself with destructive habits until you just go. Not good options, so let's live. You can live by drifting through life, or you can live by making choices to pursue things you like that are in reach. So the best option is just to keep going and setting other goals for yourself. Not because you're a heckin' based mgtow, but because the other options are shit. I feel crushed that I'll never know a woman's love on a daily basis, but you have to have the courage to keep going anyway. Sometimes its easier than other times.

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>walk up to cute girl and say "hi im user and i think youre cute"
Step one done. Youre welcome.

>Detained by the police for harassment speedrun

Friggin' sweet

Cold approaching is fake and gay, and so are you.

>convince a woman
Here's your first mistake, in attraction there's no convincing, conniving, conning, coaxing, none of that, there's only looks, it takes the brain less than a second to decide whether someone is good looking or bad looking, this is what decides if you'll get a date or not. Your best bet is to looksmax and try dating IRL.

>try dating IRL.
Okay, what the fuck does that actually mean, like what the fuck is the first step

if ur autistic the fundamental pillar to getting a girl is curing ur autism. theres a serious chance you might be undiagnosed, in which case you should look at aspergers/autism to see if it fits you

after than, just traditional lookmaxing stuff, like being skinny, being white, being tall, being dark triad. blackpill stuff

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E-girl here, I cam whored for a e-boy just because he flirted with me once

Some women are as easy as that and some aren't.. no matter how much you flirt with them they just won't return it

He doesn't know, lol. About half of relationships start via online dating apps or bars. The rest are through work or having non autistic friends and family. If you're not hot enough to get randos and your friends and family don't know a gril for you, you're fucked.
Tits or larp

And how did he actually flirt with you? Did he just DM you?

You cam whored for someone who DM you?

Try approaching women in public places where the context makes sense.
In a bar? Yes.
At a library where people are trying to study? No.
Online dating is absolutely hell for dudes like us.

He told me he got hard from me, and told me he loved me.

Don't a thousand other randos say that to you through your DMs? Did you cam whore for them too?

I'll say it to you right now, will you cam whore for me?

Have fun seeing a big throbbing cock, user

>In a bar?
I've been to many bars and never seen a woman not already with a man.

Unless you're saying I should try to butt in.

Not exactly, he's special to me and I'm traveling to his state soon

>muh arrested for harassment
Do you even know how the harassment laws work?

Fuck it bro, it's over for you nigga, just give up man.

Not that user, but now I'm kinda interested, are you saying he should've just cold opened to any woman at the bar?

But how did it start? What was the first step that isolated him from the thousand of other DMs you got?

That's a problem there. Stop thinking of a relationship as something you earn or some shit. It's literally the same concept as a friendship, just a lot more intimate. So approach it the same way you would if you're trying to make friends. Look into any public activities that interest you. It's true that harassing some stranger at a bar gets you nowhere. Go out where people with similar interests as you would be, and if you don't have any, pretend like you do so people will find you interesting.

>So approach it the same way you would if you're trying to make friends.


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I told an egirl that I masturbated to her, she never really posted or talked about lewd stuff but was still receptive to it. We made it three years living together before she engaged the bpd relationship self destruct protocol. You'd be surprised how far this kind of shit will get you. I sometimes flirt with people I'm not even interested in, it's just fun and makes for easy no pressure practice.

I added him from a thread on here, now I'm going to go travel to see him in person. I was just looking for casual friendship not a relationship but he came onto me hard

>telling someone you masturbate to them is considered "Flirting"

Goddamn, I hate this future we live in.

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Not a girl but I'm a faggot, I used to flirt with this hot guy back in jan-feb. Nothing turned me on more than when he'd get hard at my pics, jerk off to me over text, etc. Being found attractive by other people just feels really good, especially when said people are attractive.