
>which ones did you take
>what was your experience with them

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my antidepressant is cannabis sativa. feels pretty good.

Prozac/fluoxetine 5mg
Doesnt seem to have any effect so ill probably get a higher dosage.
Its micro-dosing...

Sertraline (Zoloft)
Psychiatrist put me on the highest dose that is legally allowed after some time and it did literally nothing but make me yawn a lot, sadly.

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It's literally just Prozac rebranded for the 100 time. All the SSRI's do the exact same shit and they barely work for depression.

feels good man.

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Lexapro 5mg

Gave me serious brainfog, I had trouble sleeping, and I couldn't get an erection. I felt really uncomfortable so I quit just after the first dose, but it did numb my mind enough to prevent negative thoughts.

made me tired and killed my libido
same shit
doesn't seem to do anything

how are pills supposed to fix a shitty life

Nothing changed. SSRIs are shit. I recommend people take psychedelics or amphetamines (or both, as some psychedelics are amphetamines).

They're not supposed to fix your life, but give you the energy to get out of bed and fix it yourself.

Nsi-189 was great, agmatine was good, supplements were OK
For now I'm considering Vortioxetine.

I tried LSD once, didn't get much benefit.

Actually kinda helped with socialising. Also made it difficult for me to cum. Nothing other than that.
Extremely effective at numbing any emotional pain and also made me a charismatic god. Unfortunately not sustainable. Also makes it harder for me to cum.

>how are pills supposed to fix a shitty life
They're not. But sometimes depression is so strong you feel like you would improve your life you'd still be depressed.

Too many to remember them all but here's a few in no particular order:

None of them worked. Do not opt for pharmaceutical zombification, the numbing affect is not worth it compared to all of the side effects.

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I took Effexor XR and it made me not give a fuck, about most everything, including the things you want and need to give a fuck about. I took one or two others but can't remember their names, only that they had minimal effect.

Best antidepressant by far has been switching to a low carb diet (not a joke).

Where do you get all these experimental drugs?

Of course not. It just gives you hallucinations and delusions for a while.
Junkies are retarded they fry their brains then claim they've escaped their egos and struggles. Which is somewhat true completely crazy fool might not be depressed anymore.

antidepressants are for normalfags grieving, if you have any tangible problem they don't do anything
>give you energy
just do meth or coke

Are these all SSRIs?

Jannies, strike this post from the thread. This user has clearly lost his composure.

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Only Prozac is an SSRI from that list.
Looks like his psych was getting desperate trying with drugs for bipolar and anti-psychotics

>>which ones did you take
All of them.
>>what was your experience with them
Fucking awful.