\Depression General///

OG thread A general thread on depression, suicidal ideation, and mental health in general.

>How are you today?

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Something occurred to me this morning: depression feels just like the post nut syndrome. You feel so weak, tired and can't be assed to do anything, except lie in bed. Except when you have depression no amount of resting will help you recover. That's probably the best way to explain it to those who've never experienced it.


I woke up today with such a deep pain in my chest, my heart was aching. The silence in my room is deafening. I'm getting worse by the minute.
I booked a visit to a new psychiatrist this Saturday, let's hope it works this time.

A very apt description, user.

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I have a question. most people that i talk to say depression comes in waves. like 2 weeks out of ever other month or so. but in my experience, i had 15 years of perfect life. my adolescence was honestly as good as you can hope for. but after around 15, i have been deeply depressed constantly, which a downwards trend and now at 22 im close to suicide.

i never have happy moments. and i rarely have sad moments. i feel like im an empty shell of who i once was. there are no waves. i struggle to feel any strong emotion, i dont know what to do anymore

I cannot fucking move

Depression is fake. Peace.

I just lied in bed listening to my alarms to go to work and didn't go. What a waste of a day.

I've spent the past few weeks lying in bed and scrolling through social media. I'm constantly tired, but can't sleep for shit. Haven't been attending my classes for over a month, but not one of my "friends" has tried to reach out to me.

I know that other people my age are out experiencing life, planning their futures. Meanwhile, I watch more opportunities disappear over the horizon with each passing day. The thing is, the desire to self-improve, to make something of myself is there. It's just that the motivation to do anything other than LDAR isn't.

It's like I'm stuck at the bottom of a deep pit, with no hope of escape. I'm not suicidal, but it feels like death is the only way to avoid a lifetime of mediocrity.

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I'm depressed, what do you think.

You think time will heal your emotional turmoil but you realize the root cause doesn't go away so you are trapped in a state of perpetually feeling like you need to rest.

>most people that i talk to say depression comes in waves.
This is normal depression, what you're going through is severe clinical depression.
>but after around 15, i have been deeply depressed constantly, which a downwards trend and now at 22 im close to suicide.
It happened to me at 16 and now I'm 20 and close to suicide.
>i feel like im an empty shell of who i once was.
>i struggle to feel any strong emotion
>i dont know what to do anymore
Seek medical attention, visit a psychiatrist.
I was diagnosed with severe clinical depression and they gave me meds.
It will help you, user. Trust me
There's no shame in getting help, but there is a great shame in killing one's self.


I did the same and didn't go to my lecture.

Anehdonia ay?
Get some help, user.


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> There's no shame in getting help, but there is a great shame in killing one's self.


For me, it's theological. I do not own my soul, therefore, I can not be the one to kill it.

My brain is fucked. Whether I'm on or off medication I feel like shit, just in different ways. My savings are almost gone and I have no plan for when I run out. I don't know what the fuck to do anymore

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I didn't get out of bed today. Nothing is keeping me going anymore. The people around me are getting more and more distant by the day. The thoughts of getting judged and shouted at keep coming back. I sometimes still think about the day a month ago when I almost strangled myself in front of my mother and that nothing has changed since then, I haven't talked to anyone about it besides my mother because I don't want to worry people I somewhat love and care about. Every day is dull, there's nothing that I enjoy doing anymore. It's all just a cope browsing and posting on these imageboards and mindlessly watching youtube. I used to have a constant fear of missing out but now I just don't care anymore.
I will take a shower now, go outside and try again tomorrow. My wellbeing can't get any worse than this because of my insecurities and fears, r-right? I don't want to an hero but I just can't find the reason to keep doing things anymore

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Prozac will fix you right up

brain ZAP
brain ZAP

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im white

He's white.




not him but a possible solution

his focus is on weightloss, but it's about abusing your reward system
i havent truly done it yet... but i think the solution is to stop all of this. we gotta close the laptop, stop the sugar, stop watching stuff, etc etc. i think that's the only way to heal