Women are evil because of hypergamy and the sexual revolution

>Women are evil because of hypergamy and the sexual revolution.
t. men who need to oppress and terrorize women for thousands of years just so they don't have to worry about being cucked by another male.
why are moids so dumb?

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mmmm. toxic masculinity?

Wow those boobies are really nice!! Pinning her down and putting pp inside!!!

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This is a good bait thread I am going to steal it and repost it on bant

you couldn't even argue against it even if you tried.

put my face near them and gently *kiss*

Based bait posters

and now this obvious bait thread will get hundreds of robots rushing to debate because the average iq of this board hovers around 70

cope everything about it is true. women were treated awfully only until recently. the outcome today is that a bit less men have sex and now you act like the biggest victims

this board is low IQ, people will bite as long as OP pretends to be a woman.

Women's lives under patriarchy:

>Don't have to fight in wars.
>Don't have to work.
>Every man is expected to care for and protect you.
>Men are overwhelmingly the victims of violent crime and workplace accidents.
>Guaranteed a loving partner in marriage so long as she doesn't pursue bad boy types, or become a frigid ice queen who hates her husband for no reason at all.

"Oppress and terrorize women."

Give me a fucking break, even under the strictest patriarchy you still have it better then men. After all the shit we do for you we deserve the privilege of making sure you can't cheat on us behind our backs.

good job dude, you dismantled every point

also like clockwork

yeah she doesnt have to fight in affairs that men start because they are brutes but women still get raped and killed in them.

women werent allowed to have property or be independent at all, they have to rely on someone who owns them, either her husband or her father. and take all of their abuse and be seen as below them. "oh but our love". men dont care about the value of life except for a womans womb and treat each other like shit and make that a womans problem. vile gender

Remember that you have the ability to type sage into the fields, it does wonderful things and you should do it more often

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>yeah she doesnt have to fight in affairs that men start because they are brutes but women still get raped and killed in them.

Bullshit... Women select brutes to be in charge of societies controlled by brutes in the first place. Brutes would never be in charge if women widely disliked them but they don't.

Let's take the example you gave of essentially an ancient warfare scenario. Conquering army takes over the city. Women all get raped, or enslaved. Is that horrible? Yes, but you know what happened to the men?

All of them were killed, yes any man who was old enough to fight was considered a threat and killed during ancient warfare. Your fate is bad but its not like the men got spared.

You weren't allowed to have property or independence for the same reason that children aren't allowed those things... Because its become very obvious that you can't handle the responsibility of managing your own lives. Women when given freedom have a much higher tendency to fall into the arms of abusive men or not marry or have kids at all and thus become miserable and depressed.

Under arranged marriages, you would've been less happy in the beginning but after 5 years, on average, couples love each other just as much as the autonomous married couples do and after ten years, the love between arranged couples is twice as strong.


Oh and by the way, arranged marriages today in India as well as in Medieval Europe are not even forced. Yes your parents are choosing your partners for you so that you don't run off with a guy who's got a skull and bones tattoo on the back of his neck but they generally didn't force you to marry a specific guy. Its more like "here are your options, choose one." Forced marriages were already dying out all the way back in the 12th century AD.


Oh and you know what the only example of a clearly matriarchal society was in history?

Ancient Sparta.

Yes, Spartan society was run by women. The Athenians criticized Sparta for this exact reason. Notice how women being charge didn't seem to do a goddamn thing about the whole "men being violent brutes" problem in Ancient Sparta.

Women are evil, that is why they perform hypergamy.
The patriarchy never existed, if it did women would've never acomplished none of the advantages they have today. In fact, every society has ben ginocentrist but, since women are too greedy, they invented the patriarchy myth to manipulate men (even more).

You are literally describing things that are women's fault. They love to suffer and are an auto-destructive species.

This is why every society has to be a patriarchy, because women are fundamentally auto-destructive and its been men's constant burden for thousands of years to prevent women's auto-destructive tendencies from destroying their lives and ours in the process.

Women think we did such a horrible thing to them by taking away their independence and autonomy, they don't realize that taking away their independence and autonomy is literally the greatest gift we've given them. To do anything else would be like abandoning someone you know is suicidal.

Men and women need each other to survive and we can't let our other half destroy themselves. Men have to take control of women and set them on the right path.

Of course, any man who abuses his position will face severe consequences. But simply telling a woman "no" is not abuse.

This bait is uncharacteristically not terrible for R9K. Nice work