I used to think he was cool when I was 14

I used to think he was cool when I was 14

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The first time I heard this guys voice I cried with laughter

He lost most of his audience when he talked about not caring about the browning of america..

>The first time I heard this guys voice I cried with laughter
why, he sounds exactly how he looks

Conservatism is the most low-brow grift in the game

>when I was 14
underage b&

This guy didnt exist when I was 14.

I thought jews pushed tranny shit and stuff.
What gives?

He's still Jewing, but present the jewfu in a different way,

his sister is ugly

Attached: 1619587240286.jpg (2896x2896, 354.04K)

Surprisingly they also push the GOP and pro-Zionism

Ik that's exactly why I laughed

You were psyoped by jews, he is put out there as the acceptable edgy, because he tells white men to not think of themselves as a legitimate group, while he engages in hardcore ethnonationalism.

I thought his downfall was mainly after that BBC (no not that bbc you sick fucks) interview

That as well. His browning of america comment lost his alt right fans, and taking the L on the BBC lost his alt lite fans

He is pretty cool, for a jew.

Why he always look so angry

We have a Canadian version of this guy

Attached: pierre-poilievre.jpg (800x533, 57.19K)

you have to realize that there are the "mandatory drag queen rape session for all children" hollywood jews and the "give all your money to israel then die for it(while i also rape children)" zionist jews. they're at times enemies of eachother and always enemies of humanity

He's definitely right 75% of the time though.

I never got into him. Skipped straight to more edgy lolberts then went down the tradLARP/NRx pipeline.

What do you think now that you're 15?

his wife is a doctor btw