CapitaIism is bad

CapitaIism is bad.

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people are bad, capitalism is natural

people are natural

People lived without capitalism for thousands of years. How is it natural?

>CapitaIism is bad.
stop being poor.
its literally that easy

Socialism is worse
Communism is Hell
Distributism is better

The issue here is a system trying to control millions of people was never gonna work. Only insects are capable of that sort of organization, society is too large for people, it's not natural.

its literally the natural state of human society past hunter gatherer life, like saying rocks are bad because they can be used exploitatively

Yes user. Capitalism alienates is all from ourselves. Capitalism upholds the ancient class structure that disenfranchises all of us from our freedoms and our happiness.

I agree with you, I was just pointing out that is a bad argument

hunter gatherer society is the natural state of life you retard. agrarian "civilization" is the source of everyone's fucking problems

Was Sparta capitalist?

yer not wrong

Class structure was formed in agrarian economy. Kings and land holders exploited their surfs. Capitalism is just that with the means of production. We are light years away from communism. However making steps into socialism is the right thing for the common man. The government it meant to be the organized will of all people. We distrust the government because it is the will of the owner class.

Capitalism is just a socialist bogeyman. Thinking economics is the lens that we should be filtering our lives, society, and history through is bad.

I fucking hate this argument that what we do today is natural because humans are natural so all of our actions are then in turn also natural.
Just fucking kill yourself, you pseudo-intellectual faggot.

your post is natural :^)

what I don't like is bad

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What is the lense that we should use then?

Something higher than economics, that's for sure.

But what, for example?

some framework that helps you to fully live out the days allotted to you