Why haven't you tried escapismmaxxing by playing tabletop role playing games like D&D with your bros...

Why haven't you tried escapismmaxxing by playing tabletop role playing games like D&D with your bros? Do you think it's stupid or are you just too much of a pussy?
I'm currently running weekly D&D online for 4 different groups at once, and I actually got a cute nerd gf from it. All I had to do was autism sperg over the hobby and I broke my KHHV curse because one of the girls in one of my parties saw me as the chad leader figure and came onto me.

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Btw if anybody here tries to say no girls play D&D, you're missing the point, but you're also not correct.
There's a popular d&d podcast called Critical Role that's made the 5th edition of the game popular with normies, and it's spawned millions of fangirls trying to play to emulate their favorite characters from the podcast. There's even a d&d side of tiktok because of it.

Honestly I haven't seen anyone on Any Forums ever talk about ttrpg. Is this topic doomed to be corralled to forever? They don't even like D&D there, because Any Forums topic boards breed contrarianism.

1. I'm not generally interested in medieval fantasy settings (exception for Dark Souls).
2. I'm not quick-witted or good with words.
3. I'm not white and this is a white people hobby.

>1. I'm not generally interested in medieval fantasy settings (exception for Dark Souls).
If you ever change your mind, there are many non-medieval ttrpg systems and settings, or settings with darker fantasy tones like Dark Souls.

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I don't have any friends and I'm too autistic to roleplay

>3. I'm not white and this is a white people hobby.
My nigga all my friends are minorities except this one montenegro guy and we play d&d time to time, stop being fucking lame and have fun

It's pretty easy to find an online group that is more focused on the mechanical element of the game than roleplay.

how do i get into D&D? i have no friends and it looks confusing.

The trick is that because the game is having such a huge resurgence, you can find a group online to play with (there is always a new one starting, you're never too late) and that group becomes your new friends as long as you have good chemistry together.
The best way to play D&D specifically is to buy the 5e Player's Handbook and study it for a few days. Then build a character, or ask an experienced player or DM to help you through character creation.
Actual gameplay involves call/response type narrative decision making, with most of the complicated mechanical elements being figured out by the DM (except for instructions on your character sheet).

I do. Got into RPGs 2 years ago, mostly played 40k Dark Heresy so far, but also some WH Fantasy and D&D.
I don't like typical fantasy settings, but 40k is definitely my thing. I also really prefer figuring out what to do rather than just fighting, because I'm quite a smooth talker so usually I play characters that are the brains of the team with high charisma.
Only played one campaign with a girl and didn't really like it, when playing with buddies we make tons of edgy jokes including plenty about women so I prefer male-only campaigns

My buddy suggested I get in on his group's next Lancer campaign but it's nerve wracking to consider. So I guess I'm too much of a pussy, but it's also that I've yet to be drawn to an established system/setting I've encountered, which admittedly is a drop in the pool. Did try DnD with one of them years ago but it wasn't enjoyable. I know I shouldn't let that color the hobby tho. I've been hands-off attracted to it for half my life, but the biggest draw comes from daydreaming my own system concept from time to time. Ideally I'd just work on that, but I should get some experience actually playing a lot of systems before trying to make my own.

Attached: maybe i should tho. i do at least like mecha, unlike kitchen sink fantasy... but then again, i don't really like anything until executed well. maybe im too jaded, but its worth another try.jpg (1984x1284, 1.8M)

D&D became normalfag.


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ew smelly nerds hobby. do I look like a faggot to you?

Escapism is better alone. Your freedom is always limited when other people are around. You have to always consider how people will react to your actions. You also have to follow structured rules.

single player games are unironically high IQ. as long as you're fully behind the idea of wasting time on games at all I mean. don't second guess yourself ever

>Why haven't you tried escapismmaxxing by playing tabletop role playing games like D&D with your bros?
>with your bros?
I dont have any friends irl I have one online friend and a bunch of coworkers
Ironically most my coworkers have played DnD before

>wojak reply
It's a normalfag hobby now, it means you are now a guest in their hobby. The normalfag social hierarchy and etiquette are now applied to it.

Just don't play with normies you tard. It's still literally the exact same game whether normies are playing it or not.

I don't have frens to play with anymore(

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