Letter Thread

Write letters here to those who may (not) be sneakily reading them or drive-by snark at people you deem less intelligent than yourself. You may also post about artificial trees?

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dear motorbike,
i miss you when im not riding you.

all that matters is that we're together

it's simply the only way.

Had two dreams about you yesterday. The first, you were driving us back on a cross-country trip and stopped at your [non-existing] sister's house. She was having a party and you ditched me. I couldn't find you anywhere. The second dream, we were having sex and you said you loved me. But cried because you did not believe I would ever feel the same about you.
Moral of the dreams: you're still an asshole and I need to stop waiting for you. Good stuff.


I hope you're okay. I wish you the best.

Keep that gay shid off this board. My 12 year old borther doesn't need to see that outside of school.


Wish me the best but gave me your absolute worst.

Watch your back Alex.

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Get at me, faggot.

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Maybe tomorrow. I got some chillin to do today and maybe the subsequent weeks.

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Good luck, loser.

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If you ever call me back I'm going to put a baby in you ASAP

Why are you replying to yourself? That's really sad.

You're looking to get the horns Mendes style.

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All I'll say A is that you shouldn't be insecure in yourself because I was never insecure in you. Time strolls on and it's good your feelings are changing. I wish you the best, and I never wished you anything other.

That's how it started off, but now there are a few of us IRL and not just in his head.

Anyway enjoy the day. Do something fun. Treat yourself, you deserve it most of all.

No there's not. The first 5 posts were from 5 different people.

Why are you trying to police me and that poster? That's really sad.

>Wish best
>Give your worst

Zzzz, nurse your guilt elsewhere.

Not your mom. Try that shit with someone else.

>You're looking to get the horns Mendes style.
Let's go.

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I'm your mom.