Is it just me or has the world become radically more SJW since 2016...

Is it just me or has the world become radically more SJW since 2016? People I know who used to be relatively levelheaded people are now just parroting Twitter-style woke politics and raging about "problematic" things. What changed?

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The world only gets gayer, fren. I don't know what led you to believe it would reverse or maintain.

It's called balkanization. Your country is being taken over by hostile outsiders and part of the process is to turn countrymen against one another, creating a wide and hostile divide so they can't unify against the encroaching threat.

People are just too invested in social media shit that really doesn't matter overall or doesn't effect them. I'm terminally online as a NEET yet I never found my self caring about all this radical shit or getting invested. It's just a normie thing I guess I really don't know maybe they are just more susceptible to propaganda and control.

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Definitely not just you, if you're from the West I'd consider getting out if you want to ever live in a healthy society

At least in 2016 we still had people like iDubbbz, Leafyishere, Keemstar and FilthyFrank saying "Nigger" and "Faggot" openly to audiences of millions on JewTube of all places. That was the one thing keeping zoomers from going full SJW. Now that's all gone, those guys quit or got shut down.

Politics change, so do borders, customs and culture. So does conflict and war and people.

You should never take the state of things for granted, ever. In 12 000 years of human history, things have never been not shit and only those who grew up shelteres and in prosperitt and are not accustomed to historical and sociological education will believe that there is a massive, never before seen cultural shift.

In other words, even gay woke leftist shit is fates to change and go away eventually.

Because a few years ago you could just wave it away and say "Ah, who cares, it's just insane people on Tumblr who are saying that crazy stuff".

Now it's just unavoidable. My friends who used to disagree with all this shit suddenly converted to being basically full-on woke these past couple years. Youtubers I used to enjoy who made edgy humour all converted to woke or got banned/"cancelled". It's like a completely societal takeover has happened, the entire culture has shifted.

That's exactly how I feel. I just don't understand how the fuck it happened SO QUICKLY. We literally went from 2015/16 where woke/SJW shit had its own corner of the internet, but the more chilled and non-PC people still existed and you could choose which one you liked. But then suddenly there was a hard shift to "EVERYTHING has to be woke" and "EVERYTHING has to cater to social justice".

Do you genuinely believe that crass youtubers were a better influence on "da kids" even when they were outright saying that they're not rolemodels?
I mean I wasn't underaged like yiu when thet were popular so they didn't influence me as badly.

Read more history books you nigger. Jesys Christ you sound like you're 15 and still live in your parents' home.
It's nothing new and like all cultural shifts, it's bound to change.
As a matter of fact, there was no actual shift because culture never settles. Culture is an ever malleable entity that shifts and change IN REAL TIME. Tradition is a cope used by cultures that are obsezsed with eternal existence and cannot fathom the possibility of erasure.

>Do you genuinely believe that crass youtubers were a better influence on "da kids" even when they were outright saying that they're not rolemodels?
Not that guy but I sort of get what he means.

A few years ago there were more choices for what shit you might want to partake in online. You could go down the woke/social justice route but equally so there were platforms and people who catered to the opposite of that too. And both were relatively equally popular among their own niche. And, of course, the majority of the internet was apolitical so you could just choose to not give a fuck about any of it.

But now things have changed. Now even many of the people who put themselves on the "anti-SJW" side back in 2014-16 have completely flipped to becoming exactly what they used to make fun of (H3H3 is one that comes to mind). The people who stuck by their principles mostly got banned or cancelled. And now even places that used to be apolitical are forcing in their beliefs on anyone and making it VERY clear that if you don't agree even on one issue, you are not welcome.

Basically I feel this means that kids growing up today who go online only get one viewpoint. They're starting out from the point that says "you HAVE to be woke and you HAVE to be passionate about social justice", edgy humour isn't allowed, things that are deemed "problematic" aren't allowed. They don't get any alternative.

Lol this reminds me of my coworker I drive to and from work he was bitching about a dude "mansplaining" a movie to him and I figured he just fucked up his wording so I was like
>Oh yeah like, for age or something?
Because the dudes 40 fuckin years old and the other guys like 18 but he insisted he meant mansplaining and I was so confused because it's like dude I know you're gay but you're a MAN that's not how that works

>Read more history books you nigger. Jesys Christ you sound like you're 15 and still live in your parents' home.
I'm 25 years old.
Part of the reason I feel so miserable about this is because I remember how things used to be. I remember the old world. I remember how things were in the late 00s and early 10s, when I was younger, and when wokeshit just wasn't a thing outside of Tumblr.
Now the whole world I knew and loved is ruined. I don't know what to do now. I have no place left in this world.
I literally just want to go back to how the culture was in, say, 2012. I'd be very happy with that.

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The internet is a sanitized and centralized shithole now and I understand now that if OP was young in 2016, he wouldn't have perceived that this change started to occur much much earlier around 2010.

>Now the whole world I knew and loved is ruined. I don't know what to do now. I have no place left in this world.
>I literally just want to go back to how the culture was in, say, 2012. I'd be very happy with that.
I'm trying not to be mean, but you sound like a drama queen because it really is not as bad as you make it out to be for yourself. The internet isn't fun anymore so it means that it's time for you to move on towards something better and healthier for you. You wouldn't have been able to indulgr in crass internet culture forever anyways because there would have come a time, eventually, where you would have needed to grow up in order to face greater responsibility.

I am OP and I'm 25 years old.

It DEFINITELY did not begin in 2010, at least not the shit I'm talking about.

2007-2012ish was when the internet was becoming more corporatised, yes, but there wasn't a social justice angle to it back then. And there was plenty of very fierce opposition to things that were happening. Back then Any Forums, Reddit, Newgrounds, etc all used to be pretty united in what they saw as defending the freedom of the internet.

After 2016 the culture of things drastically changed, though. The internet had always been known for edgy and provocative humour but now that was starting to be deemed as "unacceptable". People who made their careers off of things that were "offensive" now disown that content and preach woke viewpoints and support cancel culture.

It's just all so alien to me. No one would have supported any of this shit 10 years ago, but in 2022 it's the norm and coming out against it gets you labelled "far-right".

The difference is that shit is not natural, it was forced down people throats with propaganda and brainwash by the elite, or do you think the all the racemixing and the consequenes of it will just magically disappear within a few generations?

Look at the past of other countries, look at South America, it has been a corrupted hellhole that flirts with communist for generations now, no change in sight besides becoming even more far leftist, including the few that resisted it like Chile.

2010 is when Google started becoming noticeably larger.
2012 is when SJW politics started to take a space in pop culture and the internet
2016 was the year Trump got elected, which divided the country and accelerated the shift.
It began before 2016 user, you were just blind to it.

turns out allowing normie retards on the Internet was not such a good idea after all
who could've predicted that right? lmao

you really think communism is taking over? are you ancient? soviet union is gone, china is more capitalist than the US at tbis point, vietnam the same. The only communist country left is Cuba.

>Complains about propaganda machine
>While being brainwashed enough by it to be blindly anti-left.
user, everything is propaganda. It surrounds you on all side and from all political angles. Politicians do not have your wellbeing in mind and never have. You are not immune to propaganda and are falling for it right now.
All things pass, but only the people trullt control the flow of society, so stop crying from your sensitive vagina and fight for your and your brothers' rights.

Apparently Biden & Pelosi jist removed pronouns from their twitter bios.

Theres going to be a big pushback from the non-twitter-using majority, just as we saw in the 80s with Reagan after hippie shit got a bit too retarded.

Dems know this and are shifting back toward middle of the road/clintonite already.

After the squad almost fucked Dems over on the infrastructure bill, the Dems basically learned the lesson that the wokiverse will never support them, so they can give up on that and let them scream in favor of courting sensible white moms.

>2010 is when Google started becoming noticeably larger.
Yes, I do remember this, but a LOT of people criticised it at the time. Hell I even remember the backlash to Google buying out Youtube in 2006. People didn't just lay down and accept their new masters.

>2012 is when SJW politics started to take a space in pop culture and the internet
No, this isn't true at all. SJW politics was basically nowhere outside of Tumblr until at least 2014. And even from 2014-2016 it had a larger presence but the backlash against it was huge. I would say that almost everyone I knew in the mid-2010s was anti-SJW to some degree. Even left-wing people hated the smarmy, patronising, aggressive attitude of SJW types back then.

Where it really all changed was 2016. I'm not even American, but the Trump election was clearly a point that just broke the minds of a very significant amount of people both online and offline. I saw in real-time how both IRL friends and online friends of mine shifted from being normal, funny, un-PC people to basically being stereotypes of Tumblrinas railing against "problematic" things from 2016 to 2020. What happened I think is that when Trump won, everyone got SPOOKED at the prospect of "fascists taking over" so they decided they needed to run into the comforting arms of SJWism and uncritically embrace all their ideals in order to "fight the alt-right".

Yes. This is part 1

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I'm clearly talking about cultural marxism.

>all things pass
Let me say it again, the damage of racemixing and being replaced wont be magically undone just as Rome was never rebuilt once the influx of immigrants overwhelmed the original people.

Here is part 2

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Part number 3

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Part number 4

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Part number 5

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OP here.

The thing is that I'm not anti left-wing at all. In fact I was always a leftist of some description. In the early 2010s when I was underage I even went down the slightly cringey route of being an unironic communist and was active on some forums dedicated to discussing far-left politics.

But I separate leftism in and of itself from SJWism/wokeism. I think they're two entirely different things. The problem is that SO MANY leftists have just decided to uncritically embrace the woke beliefs because they're scared that if they don't do so, they will be branded "far-right" and "bigoted".

It's just depressing to see. I feel like there's no meaningful opposition to any of this anymore. I don't agree with Any Forumstards either. I don't like racially belligerent politics, whether it's being pushed by anti-white people or by white-supremacist people.

I literally just want the mood of the late 00s/early 10s to come back. Small-l liberalism. People being chilled out. People being free to make jokes about edgy topics, but not being actually unironically politically a nazi. I miss when most platforms were apolitical. I miss when you could just live your life without it being demanded that you MUST dedicate yourself to social justice causes. I just miss the old world so much, man.

same here, and the funny thing is, communism doesnt agree with a lot of woke stuff either.

communism says, "YOU CAN LIFT BRICK? GO AND LAY BRICK BUILDING" theres no allowance for "im an oppressed disabled trans queen who cant work cause it hurts my precious soul too painfully"

You want equality for all? Too bad, you get race equity and racism.