The females on Any Forums act like they can relate to us. Why is this? This has become too noticeable to ignore...

The females on Any Forums act like they can relate to us. Why is this? This has become too noticeable to ignore. They emulate the mannerisms and writing patterns of males in order to fit in. Why do they come here instead of going to all-female websites like lolcow/crystal cafe?

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They do it to be quirky/ get ez attention.

I could have data bias, but it seems most of the girls coming here are teenagers with mental health problems. One famous r9k girl said it was simply because she was considered the weird girl at school, but in these communities is a stacy.

It's more fun to come here and get a rise out of incels. The second you stopped giving us attention and simply ignored us is the second it would stop being fun, but the angrier y'all get over having your secret club exposed, the more fun I'm having

The irony is that most 4channers talk like women. Do you complain a lot and make generalizations about people? Do you think women have an easier life, tranny?

I'm literally not allowed to infight in certain female spaces and if I called someone a faggot on there they would call me an angry scrote. It's a very closely monitored place and I only go there when I want to communicate in a positive way or make fun of certain people. This is where I come to make people seethe and speak my mind without worrying I will be banned for being "mean"

It's not a secret club - it hasn't been for a decade, and you're not exposing anything.

They do have mental issues, but they're not all teenagers.

No, it's very obvious when a female is writing as opposed to male writing. You sound like one of those female trolls yourself.

This doesn't make any sense.
You can't easily divide Anons into female and male here based on mannerisms.
It's clear that such a closed view doesn't work these days.
Luckily you can't enforce any bans here based on 'feminine' behaviour.
Male spaces don't work when your community isn't small and not something like football or competitive fighting games.
Enforcing it is more like clowning around because you end up spending more time discussing girls shit.

Really simple, they come here to collect orbiters and to disrupt any anti feminist discussions

>its fun to be insulted anonymously

Mental health issues are mental health issues. They, for various reasons, feel like outcasts IRL, and boards like this attract those who feel that way.

It IS hilarious, in a frustrating kind of way, when they think they can relate to men on issues like being unable to attract the opposite sex. Every now and then I'd end up in a conversation with a woman who feels all lonely that she can't get a boyfriend, and I'd simply immediately ask to be her boyfriend right then and there. Without fail, they always come up with some weird, roundabout excuse about how they couldn't handle a relationship, or they insist that, no matter what, I couldn't ACTUALLY like them. Come on, lady, don't pretend that your rejection of men who literally throw themselves at you is even REMOTELY similar to what men face, of being unable to get any woman to show him the least bit of romantic or sexual attention at all.

>It's not a secret club - it hasn't been for a decade, and you're not exposing anything.
Im fairly sure that the real reason she is here is because anti feminist discussion makes HER angry, so she hangs out here trying to disrupt it

Male dominated community equals effortless simps. Most of the small minority of women here [and they are a small minority, gender demographics on Any Forums are like 80% male and 20% female if i recall, althrough i cant confirm if this is true] are mostly failed normie women

>Why is this?
women absolutely cannot stand the idea of men getting attention they feel should only be reserved for themselves,
thats why they shoehorn themselves into everything.

But I agree on not liking everyone who comes here.
I used to watch some broke Korean-Canadian on Twitch.
Mostly dudes hanged out there but there were also some girls.
It seems like whenever there are losers who gather on certain internet space there will be girls who have heavy traits of e-girls.
My definition of e-girls are very strict but holy shit they were fucking blood suckers.
It's some sort of strategy of them to take the most vulnerable people on mass.

Yes, you can. You can also tell who is young, and who is older, and who is stupid, who is intelligent. Etc. I'm not making a case for enforcing anything either; that is your reaction to the presumptions in your own head. I'm simply broaching a topic of discussion.

That's fine, but your opinion is doesn't apply most of the time.

Yes, I notice this too. The hypervigilance against "infighting" on lolcow/crystal cafe, which in this case would be any anti-feminist rhetoric, is transferred to Any Forums by female-activist types. Ironic that people like come here to be contentious. Maybe she goes back when they feel like grouphugging with the sisterhood.

>male writing
The ones who talk about depression and loneliness just sound like women to me

It is pretty fun. Make thread pretending to be oblivious to my privilege and blackpillers come out like clockwork, seething like monkeys flining their feces at you.

Once you pretend to debate them in good faith, that's when it gets properly fun, because that's when incels will start eating their own as one or two incels always see an opportunity to get into contact with you outside of Any Forums. See: the Dear Women... threads.

do you frequent the crystal cafe as well?

Crystal cafe is fucking dead for one thing.

well that's what you get for making the space female only.
bunch of trannys talking about horoscopes, clairvoyance and witchery.
and they have the audacity to tell me i can't post? the nerve of these "(gold) miners"

Yeah, you're right I drifted off.
Still, rough shotgun methods aren't great and enforcing it gives me Incel Vibes.
Sites who do this are just shit in most cases.