
Has anyone else here been sexually assaulted or raped? If so (or if you know someone who was) how do you cope with it BESIDES talking to a fucking therapist? That's all anyone ever tells me to do and I don't really wanna talk to anyone about it except anonymous people on the internet that have no clue who I am

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well how did it happen?

i tried to kill myself and failed so i just dealt with it

I wish. I would love to get raped.

my friend of like 10ish years got drunk for the first time at my apartment with me and my roommate and tried to fuck me. i was drunk as fuck so i didn't really realize what was happening until it was too late and then i just fucked off and went to bed

Yes but I'm not a normie so I can't help you

if it weren't for my dog i would have

have you tried calling one of those depression helplines?
I talk to them sometimes when i feel really alone and want to kill myself and it's good because I can tell them anything and it doesn't come back on me and sometimes I don't want professional advice I just want someone to listen to me who can't hold it against me or treat me differently.

I was molested by my best friend when I was 8, honestly I had no idea what was going on at the time and I kind of just cut it out of my mind completely like my brain knew it was traumatic and didnt want me dealing with it. when I was around 16 though it hit me like a train and really fucked me up for awhile but I slowly just moved on. nobody knows about it, not even my own therapist. I think you just need to remember its in the past now and you just have to move on, sure it was fucked up but you cant change the past, only you can change and how you look at it. stay in the present. be strong user! its hard to really know what advice to give as I really had no real coping mechanism myself, I just kind of dealt with it. sorry user. you will move on, eventually.

Studies have shown this ain't traumatic so you really had to work thru nothing.

my pet had died the day before that happened so i didnt see a reason not to. i still always have the thought of suicide on my mind but i wont because theres only once chance at life and i have the rest of eternity of being dead.

what do you mean? whhat studies?

fuck you faggot source or not true

that's fair I guess i just need to wait, it only happened about 5 or 6 months ago but my life has just gone completely downhill since then but I dont think talking to a therapist would really help anyways I gotta figure it out myself

lucky fuck. no struggle

it was a tranny pumped full of estrogen i wouldn't have had much of a struggle regardless, it's moreso traumatizing that my best friend did it because now I just don't trust anyone and also I worked with them and we hung out frequently

have you confronted them?

pretend youre lying ab it and then ittl just like go away probably idk

I was yeah. Never been able to cope with it partly shame for talking about it, partly that no one has ever taken it seriously because men can't be raped apparently. I've received only ridicule or hostility for it.

>when I was around 16 though it hit me like a train and really fucked me up for awhile but I slowly just moved on. nobody knows about it, not even my own therapist.
Had a similar experience when I was 16 too. The amount of embarrassment was insane, I repeatedly thought about killing myself if anyone found out. But after a few years I dealt with it, after some life experience I realized how common it is and that what happened to be wasn't a big deal or that embarrassing.

Ya. Some vague thing I don't talk about happened to me. I'm so traumatized. Pls help me

Learn to google what c.s.a. is what causes trauma

>what causes trauma
*And what causes trauma