What's your opinion of Mission Hill?

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i precum like that when i havent stroked in a while, feels amazinf especially with foreskin too

I hate phimosis penises like this, looks gross and smelly

Unironically a nice penis. That you OP?

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Foreskin is general is pretty gross. There should be some kind of mandatory circumcision law, but I doubt even Israel has that.

>t. coping cutlet trannies

Depends on the size of the penis too in my opinion. I tend to like uncircumcised dicks, but when they're kind of big I prefer them cut idk. Are you cut or uncut?

Really? Mine looks almost exactly like than, skinny with small balls.

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i really like that show

>No meat-touching, please.

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>Are you cut or uncut?
I have a pussy, retard.
Besides, how are your supposed to figure out how big a penis is going to be? Like yeah, let's cut this one particular baby's penis because I can tell it's gonna be big? Just cut them all.

I like mission hill. the theme song is Italian Leather Soda, which is one of my favorite cake songs :3

Why isn't that thing circumcised?
Mission Hill was a great show, but I don't think the reboot centered around the gay couple is gonna be any good. Reboots this far off from the original show are never as good as the original, especially if they're going for a woke angle.

kys you stupid roasty kike bitch I hope you die from aids

>can your dick touch your butt?
yes actually

Mission Hill is on the list of one of my favorite shows of all time.

Kevin felt like one of the first true representations of an autistic teenager in media (that wasn't a buck-toothed geek with a pocket protector). It showed him as flawed and struggling, but a good person who meant well. It humanized him instead of degrading him into a caricature. I'll never forget Mission Hill.

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Go back to your own fucking board you faggot

It's this way

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Lol anteater dick mad that no woman wants to touch his gross peepee. It's not too late to cut it off just because your mom neglected you and didn't get it done before you could form a memory of it.

I love uncut guys.

t. biscum

I'm genuinely curious. Why is it the only people who like uncut are bi/gay men?

Because women are stupid. The (((media))) has conditioned them into hating a mans natural penis.

Women couldn't give two shits about penises by themselves. They want their mate to have big everything, dick included, but they (mostly) don't like the look of penises. Look through women's pornography and see how much of it is just cocks (not a wide shot of a fully nude man). It's very, very little.