Would the Zombie Apocalypse give you a reason to live?

Would the Zombie Apocalypse give you a reason to live?

How would you plan to survive?

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1. Get on top of a tower
2. Lure them to the bottom of the tower
3. Have a long spear
4. Stab them in the brain from a safe distance
5. Do this everyday until they're all gone

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I'll be Negan. The incels will get together and ravage small tribes, tax them, and establish our own authoritarian state with us at the top.

FPBP, the only true answer.

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it would be pretty fucking cool though, realistically zombies can't get through doors and shit so it would just be staying at home and coming out for supply runs during the night every so often until we can find a place to move to that would be safe enough for us to start farming

>coming out for supply runs during the night
Ah yes, because zombies clearly take naps.

no but they have eyes retard

I live on an island so the best area to set base is near a port.
First I have to get a fire arm so I'd probably use my machete to kill a cop after that I would probably need to find other people with similar goals and skills to live near the port so we could get the resources.

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So um, what type of zombie apocalypse?
1. Basic, slow zombies, Walking Dead type
2. Fast, rabid zombies, 28 weeks later type
3. Mutant zombies, Resident Evil type

Not really, maybe if it had happened between 01/01/2020 and 16/02/2020 (or if I just hadn't failed the Eternal Nofap I was on during that period of time), but by this point no, nothing can motivate or rouse me anymore.
Oh well, I'll be dead within a few weeks anyway.
Sweet release, at long last.

3 obviously like Resident evil and Left 4 dead

We won't survive against Tyrant.

I could defeat him

nah ur fucked if it's world war Z zombies or L4D2 zombies

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Sure but let's say there is no organized umbrella corps

Spiked fence.

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Watch army of the dead, you can barricade your shelter with containers if you are near a port. The film isn't that good but it has some interesting ideas.

Trips of truth. Fair enough.

I kinda liked Army of the Dead desu, it was a fun romp, with an interesting casino setting and a weirdly endearing cast that I was genuinely sad to see (mostly) perish during the film.

I follow user.

just get sun powered helicopter and stay in the air

they would find me in a locked room with loli zombies tied to tables and stuff, since I'd probably get infected one way or another

>Would the Zombie Apocalypse give you a reason to live?
Definitely. I always do better under conditions harsh enough I actually have to address it because then me being a hyper competent genius can shine plus I romanticize man against the world style combat as it's one of the few good ways to die.
>How would you plan to survive?
Drive north as far and fast as possible till I'm where my family owns land in alaska where its basically permafrost stopping for nothing because I already have my bugout and time to bugout bags set for whenever.
Chuck them into the truck, attach the workshop trailer(will leave behind if I have to), and haul ass no stopping.
Then I just live a happy isolated life. Zombies trying to reach me will freeze to death(brain damage) before they ever reach me even in summer but the land is farmable with greenhouses and hydroponics and even if one of the scarce few turn they're all far enough away they'd also freeze to death before reaching anyone else.
Natural resources of all kind for days I could even make a mini industrial revolution out of my base and be the only place with proper electricity or plumbing or the only internet left being my own LAN containing porn and games if I brought my drives so I can mimic old times by browsing gigabytes of porn for an entire day to stay sane.