Why is someone's girlfriend/wife completely ceasing having sex with you the most common cause of relationships...

Why is someone's girlfriend/wife completely ceasing having sex with you the most common cause of relationships imploding and failing?

Why do women knowingly do this? I'm 28 years old and I still have absolutely no idea why this happens seemingly all the time to me and almost everyone else I know (were those guys that claimed otherwise lying to save face?) or have spoken to who is in a long term relationship. You can meme about "ugly guys being in relationships" all you want but I think you actually have to, really 100% have to be a 9+/10 giga Chad to avoid this happening to you.

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Because no one wants to eat the same dinner every night.

monkey branching. they will jump to anyone they percieve better than their current partner. commited relationship or marriage mean nothing to women.

I just don't understand though. Yes, that is what they do, consistently, all the time in reality. Yet for some reason they say the exact opposite. I don't understand it, it's so hurtful and destructive to both parties and it just drags out dead relationships for months/years at a time and become incredibly, insanely toxic. I just don't understand why the fuck they do it, it creates so much bullshit around the world every day and totally different women of all personality types exhibit this behavior.

I don't even know how to handle it as a dude either. Either you are a cuck/simp/beta/settling or you just ghost every woman who shows you any sign of disrespect or says no to you until you just totally isolate yourself due to your own tism.

Because the lust/honeymoon phase only lasts a few years. We are meant to be serially monogamous as a species and rotate partners for each new baby to increase genetic diversity. Of course there's a socio-cultural layer on top of biology that somewhat extends this period, but long term couples start seeing each other as family and partners more than a sexual interest. This is actually the norm and people who maintain active sex lives are the exceptions.

I feel like I'm having some kind of anxiety crisis about this. It's the ultimate final brickwall of heterosexuality. I don't know what to do to maintain a feeling of sexual dominance other than just rotate around a fresh crop of 19-21 year old prostitutes who only pretend to respect you for the rest of my life.

Even getting a relationship only gives you a couple months of good sex, maybe 2-3 years tops, if you're very lucky, and then nothing. Ever. Unless you're literally Robert Pattinson tier or something you may as well just enjoy being ignored and halfass sad birthday sex as the apex of being with a woman who you can even manage to get to stay with you for a while. What the fuck is wrong with them!?

This is probably the reason, normal people are so fucking retarded that they fuck every single night when the relationship is new, they don't stop and think about the repercussions, they don't even for a single second think about the fact that if they keep up this pace they'll grow tired of their partner.
If I ever got a gf it would have to be a woman who can control herself and wouldn't cheat solely because I'm not sticking my dick in her, a woman who knows that the reward is sweeter if you stave off the urge for as long as you can.
I seriously want a gf who only fucks me twice a month at most from the very start and doesn't cheat, basically an impossible woman since a woman judges her own worth by how much dick has been through her in recent history.
I hate women so much it's unreal.

Bullshit. I don't believe you. If you had an attractive girl around you in real life who was eager and willing to have sex with her you'd want to fuck her multiple times a day like the rest of us you faggot, nice LARP, virgin.

Because a man who wants to settle down is essentially giving up his freedom and time to serve a woman. Men weren't created to do that, marriage was created by an institute to silence men and their ability to procreate as they please. Evolution serves the alpha male, not the average male. Women always have and always will seek the best seed of the bunch because they are nothing but primate thinking monkeys.

Stupid fucking argument animals eat the same dinner all the fucking time

You know Brad Pitt, Pattinson et al have the exact same issues right?

The only thing Chad can do about it is sneak out the back door.

There will be rare freaks who marry super hot women and they stay in to each other forever, but usually once they start pumping out kids and paying mortgages, normies have to work like crazy to still want to fuck each other, unless it's once in a blue moon while drunk.

I would be happy keeping myself in shape, keeping a roof over our head and food on the table etc etc and doing my duties as a man to "serve" my wife if she would consistently fuck me at least a couple of times a week for the rest of my life and actually put effort into making it pleasurable for me. I feel like men are still expected to do our jobs, but women get away with not doing it.

>Stupid fucking argument animals eat the same dinner all the fucking time
Right. We're not animals. Plus they don't have a choice.

Wrong, I have already tamed the beast through nofap, you can't bring me down with you anymore.

Average male thinking. Just about any male in the world can find shelter and food, but the alpha male can and always will be able to provide more than you. You just aren't enough for them.

i believe it's a shift in western dating culture supported by easy access to thousands of potential partners online. today women are treated like god's gift to earth without doing anything to deserve such treatment. they're being told they must get their best and so they will monkey branch through dating apps and will gladly share holywood actor-tier chad with ten other different women than settling down with average joe like you and me. but they will eventually get bored of the chad too, just as you get bored of the same vidya you've been playing for years and the cycle repeats itself.

generally it's better to opt out from dating.

I think Bezos and Elon Musk were both divorced so even moneymaxxing isn't enough. I actually do wonder if hyper attractive men have the same problem. I guess there's no way for me to know, but I am assuming if you're a guy with looks, money, and status, each to a high degree, that maybe at THAT point you can find women who will feel obligated to continue pleasing you. But maybe in no other situation.

>we aren't animals
>even though we literally evolved from the monkey
god user how much retarded shit is in your brain?
do you think we were created from god's image or something?

>Evolution serves the alpha male, not the average male. Women always have and always will seek the best seed of the bunch because they are nothing but primate thinking monkeys.
Evolution serves whichever male was willing to take it or fight for what's his, you could argue that this is what makes an alpha male but those aren't the same parameters we use today, now men are simply handed the women because of how much bone mass they have rather than through action.

Yeah, that's the fucking point. I'm not good enough, and neither are you, or anyone else either of us know. I didn't call it the ultimate brickwall of heterosexuality for nothing. I think it's a big fucking problem and I wish we could more openly discuss it, because it seems to be a problem everyone has when they talk with you one on one, but I've never really heard it openly talked about. Women know they do it to us, I'm sure they talk about it.

So, I'm going to ask it.

What is the actual solution to your girlfriend repeatedly denying any kind of sexual shit with you? It seems like it's all or nothing. You have to just fucking leave. Anything else is cope.

>men are simply handed the women because of how much bone mass they have rather than through action.
an alpha male will always and forever be:
more attractive than you
smarter than you when it comes to women
funnier than you when it comes to women
more confident than you when it comes to women

if you want to seethe you can send me a letter at my po box 123 Fuck Off Average Beta Male

Yeah, they know they do it to us. No, they will not talk about it. Why? Because they are primates who aren't capable of critical thinking. The alpha male makes their pussy wet, that's all they care about. If you have a problem with it take it up with how humans evolved. This isn't something you can change, it's only something you can overcome and adapt to.

Musk has been divorced 4 times. Bezos looksmaxed when he was rich enough and immediately left his wife for someone younger and hotter (and it cost him a few billion).

You equated a human with a dog. But keep trying.

Hookers, mistresses - the usual.

>Hookers, mistresses - the usual.

It's like the two sexes were just straight up fucking designed specifically to not be compatible with each other.

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You take it.
>Hookers, mistresses - the usual.
Low-IQ take.

okay then what's the difference between every animal on the planet and humans? that we are capable of making tools?
how the fuck is making tools going to help you get bitches? oh that's right, it doesn't.
women always and forever will favor the better tasting dinner than the average tasting dinner, that being the alpha male and you respectively. if they don't want to eat the same dinner every day then they just won't fucking eat. they would rather die than be caught with your mediocre ass.

in this case the break up is the only solution if you still uphold some morals. otherwise search for fuck somewhere else if you're morally flexible

It's not even about morals at that point. It's really, really, really god damn impractical not to mention expensive and a constant, daily reminder of your personal failure every day if you live that way.

Unless you're like millionaire rich and it doesn't matter at all, but yeah.

There's also porn, roleplay, swinging, cucking. What else do you want?

This is some serious cope. Also, while it's true women will dry up like a prune after getting married, it's more true for men to lose interest first.